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RE: Fearing The Dry Whale Teat: How Censoring Our Minds Leads To A Crappy Experience

in #censorship8 years ago (edited)


I know this is probably going to be the last day I have a rep above 0. One or two downvotes from you and few others who buy into your story will be enough to kill my rep for good.

But I've come to the point with this that honestly, I don't care about my rep as much as I care about getting out the message to you and these disabused women you keep talking about.

So hear me out, and if you disagree, then to hell with it, censor me but at least I said my peace.

I know that people are going to read this and say "Oh there he goes again blaming the victim". But seriously, take a good long look at your posting history!

You're a cheerleader when the money is flowing in. But the money has dried up now and the fad you tapped into with secret-writer has dried up. Now you're doing what so many others have done. Whale baiting and making bank for it, since pissing and moaning about how unfair the platform is, is the new popular thing to do.

I'm actually fine with that. You're not hurting anyone when you voice complaints about the unfairness of the platform, it is unfair. I just wish the whales would quit upvoting this kind of crap.

I wish the whales would start looking at more positive messages, voting those up with their full power instead of ignoring good content all together in favor of these minor internet celebs.

At least sometimes they'll toss a token $0.10 SBD vote at random minnows despite having a good time with the conversation and debate when they stumble in. That's neither here nor there though. The problem isn't with all whales. Just a handful. Some are very fair and generous.

This system is engineered to get better with time and I take some comfort in that. In the meantime most of us are making more money here than we did on facebook. So we STFU about the problems and put out great content and hope our followers like it.

What actually disturbs me here and why I'm calling you out is this....

Look again at your posting history. Read your stories.
In many cases it's taboo fantasy sexual fulfillment stories involving adolescents. Nearly every one. Don't you find that at least a little disturbing?

Your audience here is mostly young men. You are filing your blog with lurid tales that focus on one sexual taboo after another.
I fucked my teacher, I fucked my brother.... On and on and on.

Then you wonder why people who are interested in exploring their most taboo urges are interested in exploring them with you?

You feel unsafe, but it's because you have made this place unsafe. You attracted these people here. It's not steemit that's the problem. It's stellabelle's latest hot fantasy sex story and those who choose to read it and upvote it.

What's worse is that when the grown men step in and try to talk to the boys about this stuff, we get hit with down votes. We could act as bouncers in your strip club, but you won't have it. Some of the comments you've upvoted are fucking disturbing.

In your case this "let's explore our taboos" fad has run it's course and the people you attracted are wanting more and more of it, but your quality has been lagging because you're stressed about the amount of money you're raking in now payouts have dropped. Plus your NAV has been chopped by about 75% just like everyone else's.

There's a lot of people including myself who suspect that perhaps some of these "trolls" are actually alts of yours allowing you to play the victim card thereby drawing attention to yourself.

So where did these shiny brand new accounts come from Leah? Sounds like some master of puppets level stuff to me. But who am I to judge? The blockchain is open, if there's a trail leading anywhere it will be found and we all leave fingerprints in our use of the language.

It's not just you either. The one thing that all of you ladies who suddenly feel "unsafe" on this platform have in common, is that you have tried to monetize fantasy sex tales and as soon as that runs it's course you're suddenly the victim of trolls?

Inquiring minds want to know, where exactly is this pattern of behavior coming from?

It's either shit social skills or great marketing!

You've stood on a corner of the internet and sold a fantasy to all and sundry.

Women who are not posting this fantasy sexual bullshit, are not having these problems. Including one who is keeping a daily journal including details about breastfeeding. Why do you think that is?

It's because the people who are bothering you, if they are real people, aren't interested in real women. To their mind, they're buying fantasy from purveyors of fantasy.

If you want them to stop buying it from you, then you need to stop selling it, or find a new platform where you can sell it safely.

Quit trying to monetize your sexual fantasies and then getting upset when it dries up. Quit trying to paint all men in a bad light because you attracted a handful of weirdos. File a police report, and possibly involve the FBI. The FBI uses some pretty advanced software to track this kind of stuff.
It's extremely accurate.

If you take these steps, the person behind the account can be unmasked and the internet will actually be safer. Otherwise to my mind, you're just creating controversy in order to monetize it.

Realize you've done the internet equivalent of dressing up like a hooker, standing on a corner, actively soliciting money for sexual fulfillment.

Now suddenly there are guys who think you're a bunch of prostitutes. Do you really wonder why?

Hooker or otherwise, honestly that's a shitty way to treat a woman. I'm beyond disappointed in these guys.

Yet a lot of how they say what they say tells me most of this isn't actually men speaking. Men view group dynamics differently, it's not something that is easily overridden.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least to find your worst trolls are actually coming from women. Women now days do have seriously elite skills and are just as mentally disturbed as the menfolk.

But male or female, they are by far and away the minority and they will go away if you stop enticing them. Don't feed the trolls and they starve to death, get bored and move on.

I'm not one of those that looks at you as a prostitute by the way. I'm just very blunt. I think you've been colossally misguided in shaping your personal brand and marketing it.

Now the image you cultivated has attracted stalkers real or imagined by giving them a sense of closeness with you that they could never hope to achieve in real life.

Had you been my daughter we would have had some serious talks from day one. But you're a grown woman who's been on the internet long enough to know what kinds of problems you will actually face and where they really stem from. It boils down to what you're selling and what you're encouraging others to sell.

The problem you're facing?
It's a personal problem.
This isn't really steemit's problem.
Some people are just insane.

Look at it this way. I have a wife, some relatives and several friends on here, including one I only just now realized was actually a woman. None of them feel "unsafe". So it's not that this place is unsafe for women, it's just unsafe for those who court controversy by selling sex. The internet is not a strip club, there are no bouncers here.

So my advice to you is the same advice I told @dollarvigilante when he wondered why he was getting so much hate.

Plenty of men and women on here have literally 0 visibility. You've got thousands of followers all of whom are basically drowned out of existence every time you post. Many of them are extremely talented and yet struggling to rise above the noise floor. I know because we share several of them.

How many of them do you know? Maybe we could all get to know them as well? Maybe instead of complaining about the problem, you could provide the solution.

No one is censoring you. The system is censorship resistant.
Flagging is censorship, but it's feeble at best.

Everything is still on the blockchain.
Not upvoting something you disagree with isn't censorship, it's just disagreement or neutrality.

Upvoting is displaying appreciation, not necessarily agreement.

Maybe try selling a different message and see how that works out?
Maybe you could be the bridge to something better?


@williambanks, So Real!!!! Realest comment on here! Stay True!!!

The excellent reply I know that most of the problems people encounter with privacy on the web are coming from their ignorance. I'm an elementary school teacher and we teach kids about dangers of Internet and trolls, but that is mostly inefficient. If people are more educated about those problems they would behave in a way that could prevent abuse of their integrity, but seeing how people expose their privacy on the social network is almost astonishing. People almost always learn the hard way. It's like playing with fire. When you get burnt its hard to heal up and it's easy to blame others.
Trolls, on the other hand, are people with their deep problems that can't deal with themselves for whatever reasons and we need compassion even for them.

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