"I Got Memory Holed" Milking the 1984 meme

in #censorship6 years ago (edited)

I'm sick of hearing how it's 1984 whenever someone with a following gets booted off a mainstream platform. Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that Facebook was the whole internet, and you are 'free speech'. The fact that you are able to tell us all how Facebook or twitter censored you, how you got 'memory holed' is direct contradiction to 1984.

Yes of course many elements of society today bare grave similarities to George Orwell's book. But you getting the boot from a major company's platform is not one of them. No, the real 1984 is hate speech laws, pronoun laws and the recent push for a body discrimination law. That's what 1984 looks like.

Getting the boot from FB for having an opinion thy don't like just means it's a bad platform and a clear sign that we put too much importance on these 'corrupt' platforms. There are many alternative platforms out in the inter-webs, that would love for us to their platforms and exercise our free speech in a censorship free environment. Such platforms as steemit, whaleshare, minds and weku. To name a few.

What pisses me off is this fucking shills who milk their banning for all the shekels they can, yeah I'm talking about the Alex jonestowns and the pressforpoops types of the internet. They love to throw up a video on jootube (another corrupt platform) with thumbnail of them with a big fat strip of duct tape over their mouths. (I'd like to rip that tape off their fat mouths) and bitch about their censorship failing to see the irony of the fact that thy can openly bitch about their 'censorship'!

Sorry dude, but what did you expect from a platform that you have being openly bad mouthing for years? Like why are you acting surprised? Oh yeah... the shekels!

Alright, thanks for reading my rant. Have a great weekend! Hopefully you'll spend it free from the internet and out into nature.




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