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RE: A Response To-Censorship, Voluntaryism, And My Thoughts About A Free Society by @lifeworship

in #censorship8 years ago (edited)

Yeah I agree I think we have a lot of the same opinions on this stuff.

I was actually tripping on some of the lines you used. I was not sure if you and dan both used the same article for research or if you were the same person, or if just random occurrence. I understand now. lol

I feel it did more then make my brain hurt. the amount of votes on it make my brain hurt. I doubt he will respond to it. I think he is another @msgivings . im amazed on some of the stuff he said, one thing stood out and just made me lose all hope when I read it.
We all wish we could live in a world where everyone shared our opinion and we could do what ever we want, when ever we want, wherever we want.
This shit made my brain spin. The whole post is about how everyone should bully anyone that disagrees with their opinion. Then he ends the post with that line about he wants everyone to think the same as him. fuck I even went on a short rant here about it. that's how cancerous and retarded it is to me.

You should just make a new post part 2. that way as you come to new conclusions and answers for problems that arise you can then make part 3 and 4 if needed. its all theory anyways so it will always be evolving.

Have you ever considered a constitutional republic with democratic overtones running on an Anarcho-capitalist framework based in the volunteerism/non-aggression principle for your free society?

im following so hopefully ill see the new post, if not i made a post a while back that is called "contact skeptic" i think. post on that anytime if you want to hit me up or have a question about anything or want me to check out a post. xD


i was going to rewrite it line for line but, when he started out using flawed principles or outright nonsense it quickly became clear that trying to replace, with logic, that which was made up of statements that did not follow one to the next, was impossible. i had to scrap the idea. i think dan wants his own little echo chamber, free of things he doesn't like. i'm so happy i don't live in a world where everyone shares my opinion, boring, and people can do what, when, and wherever we want. everything would smell like urine. i'm following so i'll be able to reply links at least. one thing here is it's usually not difficult to find people. i do wish steemit had some kind of private messaging or a wall on individual profile pages to post things to. thanks again for all the pointers. i'm running a significant deficit of people to bounce ideas off of. enjoy.

everything would smell like urine.
im fucking dying now!

yeah he wants an echo chamber. lol

have a good one, i need sleep. 8D

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