Twitter purge is in effect
A few hours ago, the infamous Twitter purge (of which I wrote and warned about here) took place, and guess who was on that list? Must've been the Pepe avatar, or the fact that I support free speech, no matter your views. Or quite possibly the fact that I hate and mock communists and terrorists with every opportunity!
Now, for the record, for those that think kekistanis are alt-right / neo-nazis, this is laughable. I am not, I think they're just as dumb, the difference, they have 0 power, nobody gives a shit about what they think, while commies are everywhere. In any case, there is no appeal, nothing. I guess the leftist safe-space is preserved, with all dissenting opinions being sent to the gulag. So, for those interested, I am now on and
It amazes me that people are so short sighted. Unabashed tyranny is right around the corner, world wide!
Yup! Can't wait till these same rules (which are extremely vague) will be used to canibalise the left. I'll be here drinking some wine and laughing my ass off when that happens :D
It's also ironic that this purge takes place on Stalin's birthday
I haven't been vocal enough on Twitter yet to be cut... though from the chatter, it seemed like they might be cutting people for having and interacting with more vocal contacts (as I do).
They're clamping down on "hate-speech", supposedly. But there's no such thing in my opinion; people are allowed to have any opinion they wish. Any communist or nazi should be allowed to say whatever they wish, no matter how repugnant their views are. I think they're morons, but, as long as they don't call for violence, steal, murder etc, they're entitled to their opinions. We'll see how long you'll last there, if you're not in lockstep with the status-quo. Good luck!