This Will Be Censored By Steemit : US Guide For Regime Change In Russia

in #censorship5 years ago

Download the document by the Rand Corporation here:

The US could use a variety of economic, military and ideological strategies to “overextend and unbalance” Russia, a new report sponsored by the US Army glaringly suggests, offering blueprints to divide and destabilize the country.
The study examines “nonviolent, cost-imposing options” that the US and its allies could employ to weaken Russia’s economy, military and government structures — and was conducted by the RAND Arroyo Center — the US Army’s federally funded research arm.

While US officials and mainstream media fret constantly about vague and unverified claims of Russian “meddling,” “interference” and efforts to “sow discord” in US society, the RAND report openly details a shameless plot to drum up social discontent and societal divisions – in Russia.

The report says Russia suffers from “deep seated” but “exaggerated” anxieties about the possibility of “Western-inspired regime change.” Evidently the authors didn’t recognize the irony of calling those concerns “exaggerated” in a document dedicated to describing specific ways to do just that.

Indeed, the document goes on to say the US could “create the perception” that the Russian government is “not pursuing the public interest” and could “encourage domestic protests” which might distract the government and render it “less able or inclined to threaten Western interests abroad.” This strategy probably would not work however, the document admits.

Coming on the heels of two years of hysteria over alleged Russian interference, the document provides a disturbing insight into the ‘do as we say, not as we do’ ideology of US exceptionalism — and of course, there has been no media scramble to highlight Washington’s interfering ways or call out the glaring hypocrisy.

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