Ex-CIA Robert Steel on the World Brain AI, mentions Steemit and BitChute.

in #censorship7 years ago (edited)

Transcript with hyperlinks and references below

We want to have a distributed blockchain system that goes far beyond Steemit and bitChute, and these other alternatives to Google.

Says Robert Steel, near the end of the video, at 39:35

Robert David Steele: JFK Files, Uranium One, False Flags, Washington DC Swamp - Part 1

Why I wanted to get the most out of this video interview?

I had to 'translate' this video not only because the bombshell information it contains, but also the references to how the Deep State is interconnected, its history and how it all connects to Social Media, Blockchain and Steemit, BitChute and everything which is booming or ICO-ing right now.

If this is true, its information density is unlike anything I've ever come across.

Part 1 of the video:

6,457 views 360 Likes, 17 Dislikes as of 2017-11-01 12:44:41 GMT+1
Time of posting:8,688 views 483 Likes 24 Dislikes

What YouTube automatic speech recognition (ASR) 'understood':

We want to have a distributed blockchain system that goes far beyond steam and --, but shoot, and these other alternatives to Google

Third is cyber tools:

Diane web for CIA created computer aided tools for the analysis of Science and Technology in 1989. We still don't have those because Microsoft and HP and IBM have all conspired to keep the entire information industry dumbed down.

I sat in at a hackers conference in Silicon Valley with John McCartney, the father of artificial intelligence. And this birds of a feather section agreed that Microsoft was retarding US information technology by mutating and migrating its application program interfaces so that they essentially had toll gates. And third-party developers could not come in with a with a software package that, for example, did anomaly detection, cyber or pattern analysis or translation without paying Microsoft a toll.

Full transcript with hyperlinks and references:

Robert David Steele: But John F Kennedy is: what happens when people go against the deep state and don't marshal their forces, and this is why I really think Donald Trump is marshalling his forces and getting ready to eradicate the deep state. I think the next bomb. The drop is going to be Mueller simplicity in the 9/11 cover-up and some very evil things that Mueller has done. The National Security Agency should be closed down and Bill. Binney should be put in charge of the 20 % of toward stated business game changers.


Sarah West: I'm Sarah West, all today I have a Robert David Steele back and I'm really glad he came back because there are so many bombshells coming out, not just the JFK but also with uranium one and other things. Of course, we all knew about uranium one for over a year and on the mass media is just starting to pick up on that, but we start off this interview with talking about the JFK information that's coming out. Of course, we've all heard now that there is a government conspiracy and the documents are showing that and that you know there was more than one shooter and that the CIA was more than like likely behind that with Johnson and that the Johnson was a KKK member.

Hitler in Argentina, more later...

And the biggest bombshell I think of all is Hitler was still alive and moved to Argentina. But Robert David Steele gives us his opinion on all that, and I think you'll be surprised at some of the things he says there and then we move on to other really pertinent information. I really like having Robert David Steele here. He gives us different insight on things. One of the reasons why I really like to have Robert David Steele here is, besides giving a different viewpoint, which we all need

He's a former spy he's actually ran false flag operations and he is a top non-fiction reviewer on 98 categories on Amazon.

That means that he is very well-read and that's why I get so much interesting information from him.

That's why everybody gets interesting information from him and why I like having him on so much.

You might not agree with this point of view. You might not believe everything he says and that's fine.

But in the spirit of bringing on people that give you different paradigms, give you different points of view. You have to bring on someone like Robert David Steele, because there are very few people like him who are so well-read and actually have the background that he has.

You don't have to believe him, but it is good to listen and then make up your own mind.

We have so many problems right now in corruption in the government. I can't see how getting his viewpoints on things can be anything but positive, especially when he's advocating for things like getting into corruption and open-source and getting rid of the secrecy. That can't be anything but good, in my mind.

Community Strikes

Got to tell you the Las Vegas video that I had with him was shut down twice. I had two strikes against my account both times they were put back up, but what is telling is that everything he said in that las vegas video has come out to be true. And there's so much evidence showing that it's true.

Now the mass media has gone Dark on that black, no more mention of the Las Vegas, I think Fox News is starting - is still talking about a little bit. But from people on the ground like Jake morphonios, he's telling me that people in Las Vegas went from shock to anger, because they know that what is being put out there, by the narrative, is not true.

So I'm really hoping that Google keeps us up because keeps this video up does not shut it down, allows it to go through. Because what it's proved from the last one is you were letting the the lies go forward, but shutting down the truth.

That's the exact reason why censorship should not be happening. You don't know who the good guys and bad guys are at this point I can tell. I can see how the government could have a narrative to protect the people for a certain amount of time because of some ongoing investigation, but it is being proven out time and time again.

Now, with this JFK information coming Forward that they are not doing it in the people's best interest, and so we have to do something to make sure the people's best interest is taken into account. So on that I want to get into my interview now with Robert David Steele.

Main part introduction

Sarah West:Hi Robert welcome back to the program.

Robert David Steele: Oh Sara, you know you being a business professor and everything makes this the single coolest program that I'm on.

Sarah West: Oh thank you. I appreciate that. There has been an absolute bombshells going on over the last week, and so I you are the one that I wanted to talk to. Well, let's start off with the biggest bombshells that came this weekend with the JFK papers being released. First of all, I was surprised that Trump actually released some and they weren't redacted. They actually came out. I know there's another 300 documents. I believe that are still being withheld, which I can't I don't even it's unbelievable. What's in those, is considering what some the ones that have been released, but things like Hitler was alive in Argentina. Now we know there were two shooters. Johnson was a KKK member. What do you know about this and what are your thoughts?

CIA to fake JFK documents

Robert David Steele: Number one: I would be very suspicious of the possibility that CIA has put in fake documents, and I would really seriously consider not only that they have put in fake documents, but they have held back some of the most important.

Second, I would absolutely agree that the fascist did not lose World War II, they simply emigrated. World War II was about creating the Jew homeland and there were a lot of evil things that went on through there and World War II like world war I was also about war as a profit Center for banks. It was not actually about ideology or people's rights or anything like that.

I'm concerned that Trump rolled over and gave CIA more time. He should not have done that, like so many of his campaign. Promises that were righteous and good, he seems to be pulling back and and and pulling. His punches Trump should have told CIA to go jump in the lake and release everything or lose their budget bottom line. For me is that we now know that Allen Dulles personally led the assassination of John F Kennedy that the mayor of Dallas was a CIA agent, and so many other things have come together and I think the best book that I would single out for my nonfiction reading is David Talbots, the devil's chess board, that is the single best book.

Now I have posted and you can include in your description the link. I have posted a link to my 15 or 20 JFK book reviews in one video, and we now know that not only was George Bush Senior part of the CIA assassination effort against Kennedy. We also know that Yashi?? Grameen?? was Israel's representative and present in Dallas, as the Zionist representative in the assassination of John F Kennedy.

So there's a lot that is not going to come out from the CIA files, but I think we really have to understand that

John F Kennedy was our last truly honest president. That was not willing to be controlled.

Jimmy Carter was our most honest president, but he rolled over and played dead for the Rockefellers and allowed them to control him. So John F Kennedy was the last president who was willing to say no, for example, to Operation Northwoods. The Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to kill Americans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba.

Fast forward to Herbert McMaster and and John McCain and John Brennan having a false flag event in Syria, paid for by Israel and Saudi Arabia. In order to persuade Donald Trump to invade, Syria.


History repeats itself and I'm still holding out for Donald Trump, destroying the deep state. But John F Kennedy is: what happens when people go against the deep state and don't marshal their forces, and this is why I really think Donald Trump is marshalling his forces and getting ready to eradicate the deep state. And Harvey Weinstein for me is a very important Signal to the Zionists.

That combined with Las Vegas, combined with the legislation that the Zionists have introduced to make it a felony to criticize Israel.

Combined with all of the states, refusing to give contracts to anybody who has boycotted Israel or demanding that they refuse to boycott Israel, in the future I mean the United States - is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Zionist State.

Sarah West: How about the Texas town that has to sign the whatever they have to sign in order to get aid?

Robert David Steele: Yes, you cannot get disaster relief from Texas and you cannot have a contract with the state of Florida unless you swear loyalty to the State of Israel. This is Israel. First on America, first every governor and every state senator that has ever had anything to do with making that possible should be fired by the public in 2018.

I think 2018 could be the year of the independent and it could be the year in which we crush Zionist control of every facet of American life.

Sarah West: Well, one of the things that got revealed in the JFK documents was that they were planning on doing false flags and then taking the doing martial law. So using that to do martial law.

Robert David Steele: I've run a false flag for CIA. False flags are very real, and most Americans are still tuned out on the fact that almost every incident from Sandy Hook to Boston bombing to Orlando to San Bernardino, so a gestalt Schlag. It was a full-up national exercise, plus a murderous element that that killed people. As a message to trump and trumpism buying it.

So people need to understand, I think, the best way to say this is number one. 90 % of the people in the US government are good people trapped in a bad system, but we have seven governments.

Not one but seven governments

We don't have one US government, we have a wall street government, we have a zionist government, we have a Saudi Arabian owned government, we have a kind of accommodation with the Vatican government, we have a Mormon government, we have a Pentecostal government, so people need to understand that the US government is actually like seven different stovepipes and within those stovepipes, they're Freemasons and Knights of Malta, Mormons, Pentecostals and others, and they all have loyalties to something other than the US Constitution.

I mean I love the FBI in theory, if Ian Smith, the special agent in charge of Little Rock under under row when Bill Clinton was governor, was one of my most admired FBI contacts back in the day when we were both in government - and he taught me that:

State and local governments are vastly more corrupt than the federal government. And Bill Clinton, of course. And the Bush family, and the Clinton crime families, and now the Obama crime family. They have basically legalized crime.

I mean Matt Taibbimy wrote an excellent book called Griftopia , which is about how the political and financial sectors of legalized all major crimes. NAFTA was about making it easier for elements of the US government to import drugs and small children and females into the United States for illicit purposes, it's just insane.

JFK documents

So again I mean God bless Donald Trump because he's a disrupter.

Sarah West: But when you look at these documents, one of the things that it's doing is its educating the people that the government lied.

Robert David Steele: Yes, so what I have found is is that the time that it takes for the people to become aware of the truth is compressing. It took 25 years for the truth about JFK to really get into the public consciousness, even though the crap news media and the Washington compost [Washington Post] and the new New York crimes [New York Times] are all still covering up the actual facts of the JFK thing. The New Yorker starting to do some interesting stuff, which I admire.

9/11, took 15 years, even though the families of 9/11 understood the truth on day one. It was the families of 9/11 that gave rise to architects and engineers for 9/11 truth. I shout out to Richard gage who's an American Hero. It took him 15 years to get a congressman to put a bill in for an actual investigation. People don't understand the Robert Mueller's top job. His entire time at the FBI was protecting the fact that Dick Cheney actually controlled 9/11 made it happen and made it happen to Dick Cheney's specifications.

Okay, now Orlando took me less than two weeks to write a chapter in an article on 70 anomalies in Orlando. That documented, beyond a shadow of a doubt that Orlando was a false flag and as a courtesy, I sent it to James Comey, the director of the FBI by certified mail saying mr. director. If there's anything in here, that's inaccurate. I'd be glad to have you correct me. Fbi today is covering up Las Vegas.

Las Vegas

Sarah West: Don't you think the Las Vegas thing people are now it's a media blackout.

Robert David Steele: Yes as long as we're talking about Las Vegas. Let me say I'm so pleased that Google restored the videotape of you interviewing me on Las Vegas, which also demonstrates that everything I said about Las Vegas on day one and your interview has now come to be known to be true. Well and that's no loss.

Sarah West: That's! What's crazy is it was that's why you shouldn't do censorship, they censored the truth, but let the false narratives go forward.

Evil Google

Robert David Steele:

Sarah Google was created out of three great crimes.


They stole Yahoo's search engine. They subsequently paid 1 million dollars for a quick claim for that crime.


They were funded by CIA. My friend dr. Richard Steinhauser was their money manager in the office of research and development.


This crime was committed by hewlett-packard. Altavista was closed down by hewlett-packard. The single stupidest decision hewlett-packard ever made and that gave Google a crop of extraordinarily bright people that they were then able to use to build on their other two crimes. In order to create what I call today, hashtag Google Gestapo, which not only includes YouTube but also Facebook and and Twitter and others.

Roger Stone banned from Twitter

I mean Roger stone and a black activist - were just banned by Twitter and I hope to god that turns into a title. Seven class-action lawsuit. Well, I got ta tell you. Cynthia McKenney was a number one person that was demonetized on my site now, they've monetized them all back, which I don't know why you know people ask me: what are you doing? I don't know what I'm doing, but let me, let me say to you: even Ashkenazi: Jews can be saved, I'm huge on truth and reconciliation and if Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg and whoever runs Twitter ever want to sit down and talk about saving themselves from a Racketeering investigation because I think that's what's coming next now that Roger stone has been banned. This has the personal attention of President Trump. I predict that Trump will decide to work with others to fund the post, Google Internet and he will leave Twitter over Roger stones being banned.

Sarah West: Well, you have some ideas for a Trump to go past the media, because, like Las Vegas is you know, Jake Marconi got more attention on Las Vegas than all the mass media combined.

Wall Street Journal covered it, USA covered it YouTube, learned that and doing everything they can to shut him down. But what he told me on the ground was that people were originally shocked by what's going on now, they're angry, because they know. The people know that what the media is saying is not true yeah, and so what you were saying is that you know our mass media is not telling the truth. It's obvious, your your video was the truth. They striked it twice now back up, and so you have ideas for Trump to go around the media and what is your ideas on that?

Trump? Well... > Clinton

Robert David Steele: Well, let's start with the fact that I have tried to support Trump because any alternative to Hillary Clinton who's a mass criminal. I mean

Hillary Clinton is at the intersection of treason, pedophilia charity fraud and electoral fraud.

So I supported Trump. I wrote the original article on how Trump could win for counterpunch in in August, it was published, it was written in July, was published in August 2015 by counterparty.

Part of the problem, I think, is that Trump has been trying to survive and so he's made accommodation seen he's hired people like Reince, Priebus and Herbert McMaster, and he's allowed people to basically lie to him every day as part of his survival he's a very Smart man - and I think he knows that he's being lied to and he's biding his time.

Trump has to do three things in the next 90 days. If he wants 2018 to be the year in which we get a whole new Congress.

On thing number one: he has to create an open-source agency that in turn creates the post Google internet.

John McAfee

I spent four hours with John McAfee, who is one of my heroes on this past Saturday, at an undisclosed location, deep in the heart of Tennessee. I will tell you it's 12 hours driving from here and and we've talked about how to bring together some very, very interesting forces in the crypto world. So I'll talk about that in a follow-on question with you. But right now, Trump needs to create the open source agency, create the Trump channel and allow all US citizens to opt in to a truth Channel, which is also a way for them to communicate with the president. I think the president needs to start putting the tough questions to the public in a national referendum.

Should we legalize marijuana, should we nationalize the Federal Reserve? Should we close all US bases overseas?

What Donald Trump has not done in his entire presidency is created a movement that is larger than the two-party tyranny.

If Donald Trump create the open source agency in the Trump channel, then he will get, I believe 60 % of the public to give him the power that he needs to go to Congress, and say:

you do this, that is what the public wants, or you are out of a job this coming November 2018.

So that's thing number one thing. Number two is the election Reform Act. Cynthia McKinney and I have tried very very hard, and I can discuss in detail of the five ways in which we were shut down by the predominantly Zionist cabal. That was terrified of the fact that we might actually create a national movement that would get Donald Trump to do election reform at this point in time our only hope is Donald Trump.

If he understands that the election Reform Act will shut down the two-party tyranny, which is the enabler of the deep state and it will put in independence, libertarians and greens as well as others, any citizen should be able to run for Congress and not have obstacles to Their to their being competitive, then he will get a Congress. That is completely honest, that has a swing vote that is not dominated by the two-party tyranny.

The other aspect of that is, he also has to offer every incumbent member of Congress as a quid pro quo. A presidential pardon for what they are being blackmailed for, because members of Congress are not just being bribed they're, also being blackmailed. Jeffrey Epstein is the poster child for how the Zionists blackmail people.


Sarah West: Can I ask you one question on that before you continue? Do a little wine: do you draw a line between people being blackmailed for things that you know they got set up for and whatever and versus predators?

Robert David Steele: That's a good question, Sarah and the way I answer, that question is that that is for the people to decide right now our priority. My priority is truth and reconciliation and my version, which I get a lot of pushback on my version of the truth, is everyone gets of truth and reconciliation.

As everyone gets, the truth, no one goes to jail.

Now, let's take John Brennan as a specific example, I believe John Brennan is a paid agent of the Saudi America Arabian government. I believe John Brennan is a traitor by all possible definitions of the term. Should he hang or should he be given a presidential pardon in return for a full public confession and then be put into a witness protection program or emigrate to Saudi Arabia? I don't care.

What I'm trying to do at a strategic level is accelerate the speed with which the public understands that the U.S. government is screwing them over and over and over again on behalf of the deep state from vaccines to poisonous food to aluminum, the chemtrails all of this stuff. I mean we're being killed by our own government.

More people die at the hands of the US government every single year then die from terrorism and war and crime combined.

Okay, this is insane. So I do draw a line between people have been sucked in, and people who are actually predators, but I also really want to stress - I mean I'm with Thomas Jefferson on this.

I think educating 300 million Americans is vastly more important than hanging a thousand really bad people.

[It is] vastly more important because it cleans up the country going forward. So that's how I think about it now. Having said that, I think once you get all this truth and reconciliation by the way, I would have the president offer the pardon conditional on their giving up their blackmailers and we go after the blackmailers. I would be quite happy to hang the blackmailers.

Sarah West: That's what I'm talking about.

Robert David Steele: Yes, by the way: it's not just the Mossad, it's the CIA, the FBI and NSA. They are spying on and blackmailing members of Congress, and Cynthia McKinney was one of the first people to talk about how coin Intel Pro by the FBI was in fact a blackmail operation against members of Congress.

So I want to free our incumbents to be legitimate. Representatives of their constituents back home right now they are not. Today they are slaves, they are being bribed and blackmailed. And Donald Trump has the power to not only free the members of Congress from both bribery and blackmail with the election Reform Act and the presidential pardon provided that they confess to a Presidential Task Force.


I don't trust the FBI to debrief Congress right now, because the FBI is riddled with triggers at every level. So a special presidential task force that would take this testimony, convert it into a hit list and then perhaps delete the testimony. So this has to be thought through and the president obviously is the decider, but I think we can do that.

And then the third thing that Donald Trump has to do is have a grand strategy summit. Right now in his government is chaotic: it's stove-piped. It's fragmented, it's a kaleidoscope of competing interests. I mean grant strategy is not rocket science. It demands that you embrace the fact that you need to address all ten high level threats to humanity, all 12 core policies with known true costs. Nobody in the US government does that today. In fact, nobody in the world does that today, I'm the first one to actually define how to do 21st century grant strategy.

And Trump knows what I'm thinking he's read my memos, but he hasn't quite gotten to the point where he really understands that.

In order to be the greatest American president ever he has to do these three things.

Sarah West: Well, I got ta tell you, China is doing more higher level strategy and they got their act together, a lot more than we do.

Robert David Steele: This is at least partially true. They certainly do have their act together, and I hope you do interview Parag Khanna ,if you haven't already his book Connectography is one that shows how China has beat the pants off the U.S. by investing in connectivity.


China has spent its money on ports and railroads and highways, and it provides free buildings to major organizations like the African Union and they don't charge extra for having all the electronic listening devices in the buildings they just built for the African Union headquarters. So I really respect the Chinese.

Let me also point out that John and I talked about the Chinese government's ban on cyber coin and we agreed that the ban on cyber coin was very, very good because out of about 2,000 cyber coin offerings only about 50 or viable, most of them are scams.

And I would be very suspicious with ones coming out of New York, particularly. So the Chinese government is going to sit back and think and reflect, and then it's going to come out with standards that will allow cyber coyne, legitimate site or cyber clean offerings to come forward - and at that point I think McAfee coin, which is what I'm personally interested in, is going to lead forward.

China has already outpaced the US on quantum computing and and in several other areas. I believe China and Russia are now far ahead in the United States in electromagnetic countermeasures.

The US < Russia in weapons

A Russian airplane flew over a US aircraft carrier and turned it dark. The aircraft carrier had to limp to a port where it stayed for two weeks getting its systems back up. Okay, we can't do that to the Chinese of the Russians, so we will lose any war with Russia or China, and frankly, [vicepresident] Pence was just telling the the missile launch crews that if they get the order to launch on North Korea, they should go ahead and Launch well number one that may be a PSYOP on North Korea, because Trump is alleged to be in a summit with North Korea right now. But number two. We have never had a successful operational test of a nuclear weapon, ever in history, beyond her Ashima and Nagasaki. We don't know if their work.

Sarah West: Interesting. I didn't know that I thought we were testing stuff out there in Arizona.

Robert David Steele: No, we test underground. Okay, so we test the bomb, we don't test the delivery system and I believe that it's now possible. I believe that the Iranians also are very advanced in this. It'S now possible. Let'S say Israel launches a nuclear missile at Iran. I will say there is a 50 to 55 percent chance that Iran can turn that missile around and send it back to Tel Aviv.

Sarah West: We just are turning your weapons against you.

Robert David Steele: You know that movie, the movie wargames, absolutely wonderful movie, and you'll - recall the scene with tic-tac-toe, where the the computer finally learns the only way to win a war is to not fight a war.

Okay, general Smedley Butler, the most decorated marine. In my time I mean I'm proud to be a marine and I will never regret being a marine, but war is a racket. War is a racket, nobody wins. For the profit of the 1 %. The 99 % always lose for one-third of what we spend on war.

We could give every person on the planet a two-story, cinderblock house, with free electricity, free, unlimited desalinated, water and plenty of good, nutritious food to eat.

Grand Strategy

We've got aour priorities screwed up;

Sarah West: Yes we do.

Robert David Steele: What Trump really needs is to get a grip on grand strategy. In my last memo to him which I have not published but which was delivered by three different people close to him.

My last memo to him suggested that we really need to abolish the National Security Council. That's how the deep state controls the White House.

Donald Trump is lied to everyday by Herbert McMaster, and this I am certain, are, and so, if you abolish the National Security Council and you create instead a small national or a small strategic advisory group - 12 people at most and these 12 people are responsible for ensuring that all of the threats from poverty, infectious disease and all down to crime and all of the policies from agriculture all the way to water and all of the true costs which are not known right now, we need to do a Manhattan Project on true costs. That's all considered. That would make Trump the first president to actually manage the United States of America and the world based on evidence.

Sarah West: Well and ethical. Ethical people with integrity, who are their experts, who are really smart and experts who care about the United States.

Robert David Steele: And 90 % of those, are not US citizens and do not have security clearances. That'S why Trump needs to change the system, so he can harness the distributed intelligence of the whole earth. This is why I was recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize. I mean I actually know how to do this.

Uranium One deal

Sarah West: Well, let's talk about the uranium one deal. Okay, that's going on right now! We all knew about that a year ago and all that information came on. Oh now, they're really going hard right now. Do you think that they have new information? People finally have lifted gag orders and can talk, or do you think it's a just, a political maneuver to try to get you know to turn the tides on the whole Russian narrative back towards Clinton.

Robert David Steele: Well, I think Mueller Mueller is a dead man walking. I think the next bomb to drop is going to be Mueller's complicity in the 9/11 cover-up and some very evil things that Mueller has done. Mueller is eggshells from where I see.

I don't think, there's new information. What I think is happening is that Donald Trump appears, and I have no direct knowledge, but I do talk to people who talk to him and it appears that Donald Trump on multiple fronts, including pedophilia, including IRS investigations, has really got this going now to where the next big event.

I think November 4th is going to be a failure. I don't think we're going to have a massive [George] Soros outburst. In fact, Soros may be dead and he may be fiddling the his estate may be fiddling the books on when he died.

The 18 billion transferred to the open-source foundation may have occurred after photos died. I don't know myself, but I'm getting lots of interesting information, and if the money was transferred to the openSOROS foundation after Soros died, then the US government can actually take that money away. As part of the estate tax and so forth.

So this stuff going on that I'm not privy to, but I will say this: I believe that there is a convergence of good happening;

A number of truth movements from JFK to 9/11 to Orlando and Sandy Hook and And so forth are coming forward. I haven't heard a lot about Monsanto and vaccines and things like that. But I believe that people are starting to realize that all of the things that we do are 50 % waste, 90 % profit and, I would say, 70 to 80 percent toxic.

And so there's this massive public awakening that is starting to happen.

And Jon Rappoport author of The Matrix, is one of the greatest minds in our in our modern history or he's written about this. I'Ve written about this Chomsky and others have have written about this, and what I see happening is a awakening and let me point out that it is an awakening on both the left and the right.

Trump and Sanders in their own way mobilize dissident minds on the left and the right.

Now Twitter just made a massive mistake. They deleted Roger stones, account confidante of the president and they also deleted a black activist, female black activist, who goes under the pseudonym of Charles Peach. I'm doing my best to put those two people, together with the finest lawyer on this in this country, to bring an action against Google Gestapo, and we can talk about that. If you want how. I see this whole Google Gestapo system.

Google Gestapo System

Sarah West: Yeah, let's talk about that, because that is the one of the biggest problems we have right now and I just you know you look at the Las Vegas video that we did that was striped twice they shut it down. They man reviewed it, put it back up, shut it down again, and then they deleted it, it was all factual.

Robert David Steele: Now, let me tell you how that happened. There are multiple zionist, troll armies. One of them is run out of israel. It's a very talented group of israeli army reservist, which is basically hackers.

You know I'm famous for telling PBS long ago that when the americans catch a hacker, they kick them in the teeth and throw them in jail. When the Israelis catch a hacker, they give them a job.

Okay, I mean Israel has really understood hacking from day one I mean I opened hackers on planet earth in 1994 and I'm a member with Larry Page of the Silicon Valley hackers conference, so I haven't been in a long time.

So the the Israeli reserve unit is one of them. Then you have a US Army Reserve unit, which is run by NSA and is occasionally repurposed to do scientist goals. You have Media Matters, I mean Media Matters is actually famous for having a documented troll army.

And then you have some other small groups, particularly the anti-defamation league, that is Israel censor in the United States. That is how Israel wipes out people who criticize Israel. And I said this many years ago, but they perfected the technique of gaming algorithms.

So, for instance, anyone who's critical of Israel at Rolling Stone or slate or any of these magazines immediately 12 different trolls report that Person as a hater for a spammer and the idiot system kicks in and bans them, and there's no really effective appeal. Because the Zionists are doing this to hundreds of people every day. What happened to your tape was because, especially since it was deleted for so-called bullying.

What happened to your tape twice is 12 to 24 Zionists using different identities came in and said. This is a tape that is bullying and the Google system automatically deleted the tape and gave you a strike. They did the same thing to Victurus Libertas.

Because I am one of the few speakers who is both America first, which is say not Israel first and also talking about false flags in the deep state.

So basically, I'm kind of I'd like to think I'm in their top three, but I'm pretty sure I'm in the top ten of the AIPAC hate list, which is good. I take that as an honor and I'm not gon na stop.

So I think people are waking up, so your tape was deleted because of automated reactions to multiple false reports. Now I have a lawsuit that I'm not going to talk about, but people can find it by looking up Steel versus Goodman. I have a lawsuit that is going to go to jury trial, it's going to result in discovery and it's going to result in the discovery of the actual identities of the over 300 people who have defamed me on YouTube and over 85 people who have defamed me on Facebook. And we are going to trace all those back to the units that control them. Bank accounts phone records, everything is on the table.

So I'm actually pretty happy right now. I think that between Roger stone, my friend, we've haven't really superb dinner and I'm hoping to see him again very soon, between Roger stone and this black activist and myself.

There are at least two lawsuits that are going to go forward that could end up burying hashtag Google Gestapo.

Now, let me say again, I'm a Truth and Reconciliation guy. If Eric Schmidt Mark Zuckerberg want to sit down and talk about being serious about the First Amendment and honoring the US Constitution, I would be glad to help them. Otherwise, I'm going to help John McAfee, Scottish.

I'm going to help McAfee and some others, perhaps including Julian Assange, build a post, Google Internet.

I just got an official letter from NATO expressing interest in my ideas. I've helped NATO over the years think about what's called alternative c4i, that's code for being able to use normal commercial communications devices and still do top-secret over it. The reason CIA hasn't succeeded by doing that, because I suggested it in 1986 when they built the artificial intelligence staff around me in the office of information technology, is because NSA has been very deliberately handicapping the entire US government and the entire US commercial sector. They actually spawned the Chinese and Russian hacking industries by putting in infantile backdoors that made people see how cool and easy it was to penetrate US communications.

Four cyber pawns

Cyber Coin / Cyber Value

So we are looking at four cyber pawns. If you will cyber coin or cyber value, it's not just coin, but

It's going to be an encrypted distributed blockchain means of storing value. Not just financial value but labor-hours, subject matter, expertise, location.

I mean a person who is at a location able to take a picture and send it back is worth easily two hundred dollars under the right construct. Okay, so cyber value.

Cyber voice

Next is cyber voice.

We want to have a distributed blockchain system that goes far beyond Steemit and BitChute and these other alternatives to Google. Basically, no censorship, no manipulation.

Cyber tools

Third, is cyber tools. I mean Diane web for CIA created computer, aided tools with the analysis of Science and Technology in 1989.

We still don't have those because Microsoft and HP and IBM have all conspired to keep the entire information industry dumbed down.

I mean I sat in at a hackers conference in Silicon Valley with John McCartney, the father of artificial intelligence and this birds of a feather section agreed that Microsoft was retarding US information technology by mutating and migrating its application program interfaces. So that they essentially had toll gates and third-party developers could not come in with a with a software package that, for example, did anomaly detection or cyber or or pattern analysis or translation without paying Microsoft at toll.

Sarah West: Now, but they did that for greed purposes and control purposes. Yes, my right.

Robert David Steele: The result of that greed and control - this is again true, cost economics. Ok, the result of that greed in control was they dumbed down the entire information technology industry? We are not where we could have been in 1992. Had Microsoft been an honest company that was willing to let others build on their stuff without interference.

Microsoft is a very dishonest company and the Gates Foundation is a very dishonest foundation. That'S sterilizing women. Worldwide I mean this is unconscionable

So cyber coin, or cyber value cyber voice, cyber tools and the last one cyber intelligence,

Cyber intelligence

I'm the father of open-source intelligence. I wrote the Defense Intelligence Agency open source handbook. I wrote the NATO open source intelligence handbook. In fact, I just came across my past performance review, I'd forgotten, but they paid me $ 25,000 for doing that, and well, and for talking to generals and doing some other things.

And then I wrote the open source intelligence handbook for the special operations forces.

I helped create the open source unit at Special Operations Command where we're going with cyber intelligence is creating the world brain so that individual citizens can have access to all information and all languages and all mediums all of the time, and none of that information can be censored or manipulated.

Now, obviously, I'd love to have Baidu and Yandex and Google as allies, in moving of that direction. Eric Schmidt is at a fork in the road he can choose to be a censor and die metaphorically speaking. Or he can join with Baidu and Yandex and some others and create the world brain.

I mean I briefed this to Jeff Bezos in 19[..] and 2007. Amazon is not at all interested in telling the truth.

Sarah West: Well we're kind of at a crossroads in general for humanity. I mean we either shut down information and censor everyone and create... I watched CNN over the weekend. I just couldn't believe it was unbelievable, so we either censor the world or we raise ourselves up and make sure everyone's educated.

Robert David Steele: Sarah, the good news is, you cannot sense of the world. I mean Jon Rappoport just published a wonderful piece today which I've pointed to from PhiBetaIota.net, and he talks about how you know a guy named Neil Stevenson wrote a book called Snow Crash back in the 80s. I think it was, and it was about the merger of CIA and Google, essentially where everybody was a collector and you got paid for disclosing stuff and sharing stuff and so forth.

But Jon's post is very, very interesting because

I'm telling you, Google is going to die and YouTube is going to die. Every single time they censor somebody. They are creating a revolutionary. Every single time. It is not possible to control all information. It is not possible to control all minds what they're actually doing is helpful to what I'm trying to do, which is create the world brain.

Again I really want to stress if Eric Schmidt, to be saved and and be on a righteous path. I would love to help him and Larry and and Sergey, both of whom are dying by the way.

But frankly, I think Google is like the Etzel all right. It's gone, it did some great things. Thank you very much. Love Google Translate! Oh, by the way, we now know that all online translations destroy privacy, so all these Norwegian, sensitive business documents that were translated using a popular translator in Norway, all these sensitive commercial documents, including people being fired and reprimanded and dismissed, they're all up in the cloud and They're all being pulled down by people who know how to get into the back of the of the translation engine.

I wrote the original warning letter to the White House in 1994. It was co-signed by Lynch Martel Jim Anderson, the top security engineer at NSA, although he signed it anonymously at the time now his name can be revealed and Bill Kylie in Australia.

And I was asked in a PBS interview.

Would you say that that cyberspace is like a house with no locks? I said no, it's like a gauze tent, surrounded by drunken teenagers all carrying lit matches.

Sarah West: It's like money in a paper bag.

Really I mean you know, and the reason that we have such a thing is because the US government has been dishonest. The National Security Agency should be closed down and Bill Binney should be put in charge of the 20 % that's worth saving.

Part two:

Listening to it right now: Trump Channel, censorship free... can we get Trump on Steem?

Please support what I am doing by upvoting, and especially resteeming, this is worth it!


Robert David Steele interests me, I have seen him on other platforms lately. Former CIA? I hear, "Once CIA, Always CIA." Always informative to listen to.

Thanks, I think he was on Alex Jones show / Infowars too?

Yes, he's been on Project Camelot, and Infowars. He backed out of a recent Project Camelot third interview. That was odd.

great stuff keep it up - re steemed.

Thanks for the resteem!

It's worth remembering that this guy openly admits to having run CIA false flag attacks and thus is likely guilty of treason, international war crimes and on and on.

Erm, ins't that like trying to punish someone who had chosen badly and realized it was no good?

remembering something is not the same as punishing. he has stated that he previously 'made his living' committing crimes against humanity that would likely see him executed if they came to light.
i have rarely heard him say anything from sources i was not already aware of and i get a bit frustrated when sycophantic interviewers hold him up as a 'great guy'. i imagine the families of the innocent women and children he killed probably don't feel the same way. you might say that the reason why he won't come fully clean about his crimes is because he would be arrested, but whether he was arrested or not it is just as likely that the public perception of him would be drastically different if they knew the details.

Okok no need to go full 'scalpel precise' on my wording but I wanted to say we can be really glad he is telling valuable information and maybe that's a risk for him too... I for sure didn't know about all those details. I mean if what he says is true, it is really bad. Really bad. But I know you wrote often by these things so you're probably more into it than me...

you can listen to the interview with him on the richie allen show to hear richie press him on the subject of which false flags he organised personally, but he was adamant he would not say.

Thanks, I still have to listen to part 2.

Do you have skills in #machinelearning btw?

I don't have any experience of machine learning, no - I actually aim to stay away from anything that gives responsibility for thought over to machines.

Oh haha don't worry about that, I think you'd love it because it actually looks how the brain works but it's in no way intelligent.

It's better to know what is going on actually so you are in the loop and can warn others on time.

I think you are right, look what he said in the 2nd part of the interview:

I often questioned whether I've been successful or not, and I suppose I mean it cost me: six million dollars in displaced income to be recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize. And I've been told that I'll be recommended by multiple countries in the future.
Well, but I'd rather help Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin and general secretary Xi Jinping earn the Nobel Peace Prize. Those three men have the power to create eternal peace, four thousands of years and infinite wealth, prosperity for everyone.

Any comment you might have on that?

I don't know all the details of what he is talking about there - but the nobel prize is notoriously corrupt. obama authorised more extra judicial killings than any other president and dropped more bombs too i think - yet he has the peace prize!
nobel was effectively an arms manufacturer as far as I recall.

what he is essentially saying is that 'top down' hierarchy is THE source of power on earth and from that can come peace. this is the classic equation that results in absolute enslavement.. it's the same principle as saying jesus is your savior or mohammed is the last voice of god etc.
we all have power and the ONLY way to have lasting peace is to accept this is the case and nurture it - which means no more synthetic hierarchy and no more capacity for false flags or 'heroes' who once organised false flags.

what he is essentially saying is that 'top down' hierarchy is THE source of power on earth and from that can come peace. this is the classic equation that results in absolute enslavement.

Exactly! Well put! Typically false flag, Alex Jones is also Trump, Trump but when he is such a good investigator why doesn't he mention that the US doesn't have a Constitution for the United States since 1871. They use their wartime flag, you can look up the peacetime flag. They're under admirality law which you can see on the decoration inside courts. That is suspicious.

very good content. i want to know more.

Well lot's of links to follow up upon!

Big information

Part two was AMAZING, thank you for posting this!

Didn't listen fully yet, had enough editing the first part!

i like your post dear,because i think that you just work nicely,so just keep it up this things.i hope you doing well in future.

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