WE, THE PEOPLE, need to call for the cancellation of NSA and DOD contracts with social media platforms exercising arbitrary censorship against viewers and content providers

in #censorship6 years ago

The issue isn't even about Alex Jones. Shadow banning and automatic spam filtering of viewer comments has been going on since at least April 2017. Censorship of 'fake' alternative media is also not the issue. As an example, a friend had a PRIVATE email from months ago flagged by Google as violating their user policies. The content they found offensive was her statement, "I H*TE SNAKES!" My PRIVATE email to her was redirected to the abyss, because I wrote her about the possibility that Alex and other YT channel owners might have grounds to sue for anti-trust law violations. All she saw was the word 'sue' flash on my incoming email and then it vanished. The absurdity of what the social media censorship system determines to be in violation of their policies is a matter that should be carefully considered. According to argument for the entitlement of social media to censor, there are no regulations in place to moderate their arbitrary personal opinions. Thus far, free speech has been counterbalanced with freedom of choice to listen or ignore. It's that option that is being withdrawn from the public.

Another matter to consider is that the big social media outlets hold contracts with NSA and DOD for data and cloud hosting. These outlets are PAID by the American tax payer for these services. If these outlets are undermining the constitutional rights of the tax paying public, the American public can and may take action to cancel those contracts.

Jordan Peterson joins Steven Crowder to discuss Alex Jones/Info Wars being banned from various social media/tech sites and whether or not platforms such as YouTube should be treated as public utilities.

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