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RE: What A Mess Steemit Has Become

in #censorship6 years ago

Try Here's my referrer link. If you setup an account, my reward is 50 tokens. If, after setting up, you use your referrer link, you will get 50 tokens for each new users you have invited.

On Mind, you don't get any of this harassment. In fact there's a strong community of people rejecting any kind of top-down censorship, fighting against one person suggesting a Steemit-like reputation scoring mechanism that could be abused to down-vote users into obscurity.

The Minds platform owners have adopted the Internet Bill of Rights and are staunch supporters of Freedom of Speech.

Hope to see you on the Minds soon. Look me up if you join. :)


Thanks, my Minds is and I had 4 tokens there and now I have 0 tokens and don't know why. I've been blocked by people on Minds. I tend to prefer Gab over Minds.

@joeyarnoldvn I just subbed you on and dropped you a comment on one of your posts. When your tokens went missing, did you contact info or help on Minds?

You seem like such a nice guy, why would anyone block YOU. Meh, it happens. Just so long as you DO NOT feel like going back to FB is a reasonable option. I hear people really like Gab.

I sent Minds an email about the missing tokens but didn't get a reply.

That's disappointing to hear. :(

I was put on a big bad bad oh bad list today and my REP went from 57 to 55.

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