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RE: Social Media Censorship Is Vastly More Dangerous Than The Censored Material

in #censorship7 years ago

Very excellent report Caitlin
I'm sorry to see that they've attempted blocking so many people.
I guess James Corbett and Luke Rudowski weren't crazy warning about this years ago when they said "ThemTube" will eventually take us down...
Guess it really is just a matter of time now before the curtain is pulled back and the actual horror taking place behind the scenes is revealed for all to gall at.
It's going to be a truly horrific time and a time of Great Reckoning and Judgment :3

Or something along those lines... Personally, I'm looking forward to a time when turning our backs to society for good and picking a side of history to be on becomes a matter of survival.

It's not that I don't like having one foot in one foot out, but there's a part of me that goes the complacency and in-cahootsness need a good kick in the seat of the pants.

I want a real decentralized crypto-powered peer-to-peer economy of digital and information revolution :3


While I deeply sympathize with your concerns, I cannot hope for existential threats to our people that might spur greater engagment. That way lies 9/11. That's what the PNAC said when they advocated for it, anyway.

"...I'm looking forward to a time when turning our backs to society for good and picking a side of history to be on becomes a matter of survival."

Society isn't the problem. The problems society(s) are facing are but symptoms of the covert influence of powerful propagandists and censors.

I am horrified by the recent public statements of Trump that government in America should 'seize the guns first, and worry about due process later'. If that starts happening, there will be civil war, and my sons, and all our dreams, will be shattered on the Catherine Wheel of corporate power, grist for the feedmill of the defense industry, profit centers for the very powers we oppose censoring and silencing us.

There is no more permanent censor than death. We're on the verge of not only a civil war, but a global war, and nothing will more profit and empower the enemies of freedom and the weapon they use against our minds and reason, the enemedia.

Americans are too complacent. The imperial destruction of the most prosperous nations in the Middle East has been viewed with sanguine equanimity by most, approval by the mindless or venal, and opposed by but few. Fewer yet even consider it possible to happen here.

It may be the plan to bring it here, and divert geopolitical power to China, that has overtaken the West in economic power, and pioneered the most draconian surveillance and police state/social control mechanisms extant, leaving plutocrats literally drooling over the profit potential of exporting such tyranny here.

War will bring it here, and generate immense profits in the process.

Be careful what you wish for, my friend. Remember that 'may you live in interesting times' is a curse.

I'll settle for boring and uneventful, particularly for my sons, and even at the cost of not getting to spout my umbrage on Youtool.

Hell, I just talk to my neighbors anyway. Those are the folks I can actually count on when the chips are down, and are the difference between prosperity and poverty in a trying economy.

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