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RE: @Drakos on censoship. Stupidity or Disingenuity?

in #censorship6 years ago

the war between whales is pointless, nobody wins, how about we work together to make steemit a better platform, there's so much problem in steemit right now, if we fight each other it will only create unnecessary problem, I hope you guys forgive each other and forget the past and move forward?


but is it a good environment and a good example to those new users reading a post that is suppose to be discussed privately rather than public? we shouldn't create hatred in steemit, because we are a whole family here. :)

If a person stands-up for HUMANITY and everything that it stands for, rather than taking the easiest and laziest route by just sticking a label upon everyone (without any sort of discussion) and calling them a bigot, a true-liberal, a conservative, a humanitarian, a racist, a white-supremacist, a nationalist etc. etc. etc. WHO pays these people to act like this? There is no way that they would act like this due to their own common-sense or education, is there?

WHO pays these people to act like this?

Oligarchies' PR.

These "war" are ways to communicate and usually result in mutually beneficial outcomes.

I hope you got to learn something from this.

I feel like everyone sees steemit in a different way and this causes chaos. Its good if whales can can get along but it seems many just are aggressive and don't want to here other small sp user's opinions.

Never think of small or big! That is just one step towards self-distruction! x

It depends upon how they approach it!

Yeah - I agree. We should make Steemit great again.


That's what we really need but it doesn't seem to be happening.

@meman I am not a bootlicker like you.

The idiots in society need to be left to defend their petty differences! The rest of us need to focus on near future global food price rises due to the grand solar minimum. The fact that certain areas of the Northern U.S will be getting 2-4 Inches of MORE SNOW in the coming week (especially in the North-East)! Food-Crops should have been planted one (1) week ago but the ground is still snow covered, still frozen and still yet to thaw-out. Once it thawes-out the moisture needs to be evaporated-out by the sun to dry the soil enough for plantation of the seeds! Some would say that that is ok/ plenty of time..... but then we get towards the end of the season (which may also be shortened). Therefore we have the starts late and ends early situation for global food-crops (in the majority of the Northern Half of the Northern U.S). In 2017, the State of Texas it had floods and then drought which seriously impeded its crops of Wheat growth. This effected its harvest (2017) in quality/ yield. This not only meant that most of those crops only had a quality fit for ANIMAL consumption but it also..... PUSHED-UP global wheat prices by 8%! As of the 21st of April, 2018 we have already seen weather conditions (throughout the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE) where what happened in 2017 will be magnified. In 2019, that magnification will continue and will continue into 2020. WELCOME, to the current Grand Solar Minimum (the Eddy Minimum)! x

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