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RE: @beanz makes a you tube video about me

in #censorship8 years ago (edited)

Is that comment above the bullying incident? All I see is somebody reacting badly to waking up with no rep. People do react badly when they, rightly or wrongly, feel victimised, so it is wiser and kinder to only scrutinise his behaviour leading up to his losing rep. Therefore posting that was rather disingenuous.
It's a great idea to mute people whom you find offensive but sadly the mute doesn't work and I'm not sure that flagging is the right alternative, especially since you say that you never read the comments anyway. I'm sure that people reading your posts and commenting can make up their own minds. If your opinions are valid then they should stand up well to scrutiny and contradiction.
The interaction between the two kids pretending to be cats and rolling around together could be seen as flirtatious and I believe that Skeptic meant that the boy's goofing around on the girl's level was because he he was looking at the 'bigger picture'. Having never been a teenage boy I wouldn't know what goes on in their heads and I therefore would not discount or be offended by Skeptic's theory. So why did it offend you?
You say that you aren't responsible and your stats show that you aren't directly responsible, but your gloating in your video might lead one to suspect that Skeptic is right in saying that you are indirectly responsible: by enlisting the help of others.
My take on Skeptic's tumblr video posts: is that he is concerned about kids spending so much time, unsupervised, on Tumblr. He does have a colourful way of writing but I took it as tongue-in-cheek. (He was never really going to drink bleach.)


I never enlisted anybody. I've never even spoken to @adm. I'm pretty sure it's a developers account though in other words, dan or ned or somebody who works for them. I don't know but judging from that comment I presume that's who started the flagging to bring down her rep to zero, then I checked steemd and saw them 'unflag' some of them to pull her back up to a 2.

I literally woke up and saw her reputation a few hours before she did. (We live in different time zones) She probably opened steemd and saw that I was the last person to flag her.

I'm not gloating about what happened to her reputation. I'm gloating about not caring about it or earnest's threats.

The main purpose of the video is to show my side of the story. They have made several claims that I'm flagging things because I disagree with them. I want people to know that they can disagree with me. I won't flag anybody for that.

This all started over somebody else being harassed by skeptic. I didn't like to see that person go through so much stress over the things she was saying to him so I tried to break it up and in doing so I brought her attention to myself.

I understand that your intentions are good and you're just looking out for your friend. Skeptic has agreed not to post on my comments and posts anymore and I don't wish to comment or post on hers either (although I have to make the exception for posts that she writes about me).

I wish skeptic the best in her future posts. I just don't like to see other kids like her stressed out from online bullying and so I tried to put a stop to it. Maybe I didn't go the right way about it. It was the only way I saw fit, because in my eyes, the flag doesn't really hurt her, it just tells her I don't want to talk to her.

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