God speaks to me / Goldilocks and the three bears / My theme Nature

in #celfchallenge6 years ago (edited)

Recently I told a Friend of mine that God Speaks to me. I of course didn't mean that I hear voices. That would be nuts. Seeing as I am a Deist who doesn't believe in the Gods of the people of the Books or really any other Gods that I cannot hear or see it behooves me to share what my perspective is anyways. 

You see there is some force that creates the reason for principals. Meaning those things we notice work in the real world. They work consistently under the same conditions. One can say like clock work.

I don't believe in the God of the atheist. Yeah kind of a funny contradictory statement, unless you actually talk to an atheist and find out he has exactly the same evidence the people of the Book have, for there beliefs. That would be a big fat nothing. Asked to answer how all these complex organisms came together and the atheist will tell you it was the God of chance, which I don't believe in. Yeah he wont admit that chance is a god, but seeing as how there is no evidence for chance being how the world came about chance might as well be a God too.  Makes one ask the question how is it with a big fat nothing, that people can come up with so different a story as to how the world came about?

To me the how is as fascinating, as the fear that prevents people who believe in a God, but don't believe in the fairy tails the fraudsters tell, but the fear keeps them from sharing a truth. You see, anyone who knows that actions create consequences, that as object (our bodies) we are subject to, knows that it is better than words. We even have a saying that Action are better than words, yet very few people notice that the actions of nature, are not dependent upon our will or even attention. It is only if  you believe in the God of chance that you than cannot make heads nor tail of what is being communicated.

You see to me the reason why the fire is hot is because God or nature if you prefer doesn't want me to stick my hand in the fire.

The hot says "no" and the question really is, am I going to be an adult and accept that I have no control over God or nature? That very same fire can with a few precautions keep me warm or warm up my home. That is when I speak back to God. Oh yeah we can speak to God and we do when we take actions that than have those consequences many don't like, but which I love. Why do I love consequences?

Lets look at Goldilocks and the three Bears. The story is very simple, but explains logic and reason quite well. You see logic is the condition you find things in. Reason is what happens when you change the conditions you find things in.  So when Goldilocks found the first bowl of porridge too hot, then checked the second bowl of porridge, too cold, but found the third bowl of porridge, just right, she was using logic and reason. The specific condition she was looking at was the heat of the porridge. She didn't eat the first, which is an action in truth. She didn't eat the second, which also was an action, but she did eat the third and as a result of getting it right not only fed herself, but the consequence of eating made her then seek a bed. Where she went through exactly the same process and found the perfect bed to nap in. So in sleeping she also got rest. Another consequence. 

So how many consequences did Goldilocks receive.

The actions she took for porridge: 

  1. Used logic.
  2. Used Reason.
  3. Did not eat hot porridge. 
  4. Did not burn her mouth.
  5. Did not eat cold porridge.
  6. Did not suffer cold porridge
  7. Found the porridge that was just right. 
  8. Had a meal.

I like this list of consequences, because it proves that a negative (not eating hot porridge) is an action that you will receive a consequence for. When I was an atheist, I use to think this is why people don't like consequences. You cannot get away with not taking certain actions. Like eating, breathing or sleeping, and truly we don't know all the actions we should take. Leaving us with consequences we call unforeseen. If we are always scared to take an action we will tend to get the consequence that goes along with inaction. If we act we will get the consequence that our actions manifest. So really God or nature if you prefer is communicating with us all the time. Our actions are what we say to it/him/whatever. He answers us with a consequence. So I like consequences because such is my proof that God speaks to me. Even when I do nothing God speaks to me. 

 I have decided to take on the #celfchallenge tag challenge that @sndbox is promoting. I wouldn't mind winning but really what I am doing is fishing. I like to read good material and am always looking for good writers. So just know that if you enter your why I have my pole in the water. My theme Nature - a theme about the natural world around us

All photo's are from Pixabay. I am not responsible for if you think, how you think, what you think or do. Your Are! Peace!


god is a fucking cocksucker prick and it's better to ignore god than to actually accept the endless bullshit consequences handed down to a people who don't understand what they are doing is wrong.

Well, I can tell you that there is a place for these kind of posts here on Steemit despite what you may have experienced so far. I run a Discord group that helps share posts like this and connects people who want to debate theology. Come check us out anytime, https://discord.gg/PGAmHZt

Nature really give you something.... anyway, good luck for the challenge!

Nature really give
You something.... anyway, good
Luck for the challenge!

                 - mariska.lubis

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Yes nature does give us all something.

Thanks a lot.

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