Daily Celestial Challenge - Wednesday-structures - Noah's ark(a message to us Christains)

"Build a boat for yourself out of gopher wood, make rooms in it and cover it with pitch inside and out" (Gen 6:14)

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The descendants of Adam and Eve became evil and wicked and good felt sorry for creating mankind so he decided to destroy them and start all over (Gen 6:13). But there was a man called noah who was obedient and has found favour with God so God told him to build a boat a big one called an ARK. The ARK was 133 metres long, 22 metres wide and 13 metres high. It had three decks each containing rooms and a single door by the side of each deck.

At the time noah was instructed to build the ARK,he was 480 years old and the ARK took 120 years to build and was the biggest man made structure in the world at the time of its completion.

He was instructed to put a male and a female of all kinds of animals and birds into the ARK alongside his wife, his three sons(shem,ham and japhet) and their wives.

According to the bible, the ARK was built of gopher would which was guessed to be cypress wood as cypress wood was very resistant to rot but this is not certain. Also the pitch used was likely a resinous material which was uses to waterproof the ARK and also prevent decay.

Most likely, the ark was a rectangular vessel that floated low in the water with Noah havinh7no control over it as they were left totally at the mercy and protection of God.

The size of the ARK was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high with a ratio of 30×5×3. According to expert ship builders, the ratio represented an advanced knowledge of ship building as the ark was impossible to capsize amd would have to ne tilted 90° before it can capsize.

The story of noah and the ARK has shown that God would always favour when we are righteous and obey him as he did noah. Also the ARK is a rich picture of the salvation given to us by christ who is our ark of safety today.

Again ;
-the ARK was designed by God and built by man,so it involves divinity and humanity so is Christ who was both human and divine.

-there was only one door into the ark, so is there only one way to God which is through Christ.
"i am the way, the truth and the life;
no one goes to the father except by me
(John 14:6)

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