Daily Celestial Challenge - Saturday Agriculture: Indoor Avocado Plant

I like it when Saturday is here because I get to share my gardening journey as Daily Celestial Challenge for Saturday's theme is agriculture.

Today I am sharing you photo-journey of my growing avocado plant.

I've always wanted to try those Pinterest pictures people always forwarding/reposting/sharing.



But, I kinda forgot to do it 😂 I washed the seed and left it on the counter and completely forgot about it! Mommy's fart brain, I know. I learned something out of it tho, the seed's peeling nicely as it dried up and I was thinking that I still could do it. Make it grow. So what I did was, I peeled the skin, soaked a paper towel, placed the seed, covered with another wet paper towel and left it on the kitchen counter. You know, trying to moisten it 😉


Whenever I feel the paper towel was drying, I wet it a bit and leave it again. I did this for almost a week long (because again, life happens and I always said ah tomorrow I will do it, but it took me a week long of procrastinating) then buried the seed in one of the raised bed inside the greenhouse. Crossing my fingers something will come out of it 😁


Again, I forgot about it! As I also planted other veggies in the same box, I didn't notice anything out of ordinary. Come October I dug up peppers and other plants from the box, and there it was. Growing!



I freaked. I thought I must have cut and broke a branch, a leaf, idk, I just freaked, because it looked so weird. Just black dark seed and something growing 😅 I replanted it and moved it inside the house with the other plants, saving them from the coming winter.

It's been growing nicely and so happy. Cannot wait for summer to come so I can plant it properly, on a bigger pot most likely so come next autumn it won't be hard to dig up and move it back inside.




Daily Celestial Challenge is hosted by @sirknight and if you'd like to join us, tomorrow is Sunday, and the them would be The Sun. Thanks for looking!


Glad your avocado sprouting worked out :D We tried the spearing method and put them in paper cups but after a while the kids forgot to water them. I kept it up for a litte while and then I forgot about them and then we had to get rid of the poor things XD Might just throw the seeds into a pot or the ground next time it occurs to us to do so and see what happens, it will probably have better luck than me trying to sprout it (I don't think I could garden to save my life really DX which is why it's the partner's dominion!)


Yes, it takes time for sprouting

I do so on other plants that I know needed to be sprouted first

But it worked just fine for avocado to be planted directly apparently 😁

I also just had success sprouting avocado seeds! It's super exciting isn't it?!

Yes indeed!

I wonder if it really gonna give me fruit in 2 years 😂

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