Daily Celestial Challenge by @sirknight. Monday Theme : Darkness

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This contest is started by @sirknight . This contest is a great contest . In this contest you must have quality of your blog an also the quantity .
This is a contest of day by day . Having lots of fun. Thank you @sirknight for making this community and contest.

Monday Theme : Darkness

Today I am taking about Darkness with the recent theme Light .

Darkness VS Light

The narrative of the Light versus the Darkness is one that everybody imagines that they know. The Light is great and the Dark is terrible. Notwithstanding, this is excessively expansive of a speculation, for not those who take after the Light can be thought to be "great," and numerous great individuals do to be sure take after the Dark, you may even know a couple of yourself.

Underneath the greater part of the issues the Light and the Dark are exceptionally straightforward. It basically needs to do with one's close to home perspective. A man who sees the world as a terrible place, who sees no good thing anyplace he or she turns, and who feels that there is no expectation of anything better is somebody who has a "dull" personality. These individuals are not really adherents of the Dark, but rather they ARE the premise of that specific introduction. Then again, a man who has an uplifting point of view, who tries to locate the positive qualities in everything, and who frequently tries to call attention to that the world isn't as terrible as individuals believe is a man who is of the Light. Neither one of these mindsets is fundamentally right or wrong, and both can make great contentions for their own perspective, which is the place, at last, the issue lies.

Throughout the years, the majority of the wars and clashes that have occurred for something besides arrive debate have been by one means or another as Light against Dark (in the universe of Firefly Cross, not really constantly valid in our own history). Individuals who had outrageous feelings on either side would start up issues. Once the issues had started, other individuals who might ordinarily have been more in the center, would pick one side or the other in light of their suppositions around then, and wars would create. This is the means by which the entire issue started. The assignments of "Light" and "Dim" started to be utilized to separate between the two sides, for "good and insidiousness" were not proper since neither one of the sides was great and neither one of the sides was malevolent. For without a doubt excessively light can do to such an extent or more damage than a lot of murkiness, and wherever you discover one, the other should most likely exist. They are correct contrary energies, however there will never be one without the other, they should adjust each other.

As a snappy explination of these two sides as they identified with the diverse conflitcs that emerged:


Since individuals who take after the Light have a tendency to be fairly constructive, idealistic individuals, the individuals who battle for this side have a positive perspective of the world itself. They tend to put a considerable measure of confidence in humankind and what mankind is able to do. They likewise want to see the great side of everything as opposed to the awful. The pessimistic part of numerous individuals who agree with the Light is that they have a tendacy to overlook the awful and disregard it, never settling issues only living with them. A pioneer for the Light may endeavor to vanquish the world basically to check whether he can, out of sheer confidance in himself.


Followers of the Dark with be those with extremely negative states of mind. They discover blame with everything on the planet, and people are one of the best wellsprings of those deficiencies. They get a kick out of the chance to utilize animals that aren't human and can be effectively controlled, giving anybody a lot of opportunity is a formula for debacle in their eyes. The negative part of the Dark's view is that nothing positive can ever originate from it, there are constantly more prblems to comprehend, the world is never a sufficient place for them. A pioneer of the Dark may endeavor to vanquish the world with a specific end goal to constrain his view on how things ought to be done upon the general population, as such overcome for the sake of a thought.

After Fate took control of these contentions, they began to be more sorted out and straightforward. With the power that Fate had given to each side, there were less individuals just "in the center." Everyone picked some side to be behind this power. There were less "innocents" in the battles. As the power on each side started to develop, animals of enchantment started to give the idea that were made by and would supplement the energy of each side. For the Light, the animals that were made incorporated any semblance of unicorns, fairies, and dryads. Darklings were animals, for example, vampires and werewolves. After a period, it ended up conceivable to measure the energy of the Light and the Dark in view of what number of these animals existed.

It so happened that after Fate assumed control over, the Light started to win relatively every fight against the Dark. This was expected principally to the Dark's negative viewpoint, they were continually thinking little of the Light, while the Light's inspirational standpoint gave them trust in each fight. This is the point at which the ideas of Dark and Light as abhorrent and great developed. Individuals imagined that the "great" would dependably triumph. All things being equal, this irritated the specialists of the Dark, and in the long run pushed them to take activities which closed with the control of the fight outside of Fate's aggregate control. (see the page on the history keeping in mind the end goal to get this in more detail. This is the place the two pages start to cross data.)

When Fate started to lose control, everything started to change. Every one of the time of control after the underlying turmoil separated, and the contentions turned out to be more disorderly than they had ever been. Since Fate's control still had some impact over the Dark, she could hold them together genuinely well, however the Light started to go into disrepair, and when an absurd attendant was picked, the Light was at long last defeated...and it was to stay vanquished from that day on.

In the present time of Firefly Cross, the Dark has ruled from more than a thousand years, and their energy has just developed in all that time. The general population of this world are extremely critical, and can't appear to see the positive qualities in anything. The Light has moved toward becoming almost non-existent. The greater part of the animals of the Light, Unicorns and such, have since a long time ago become terminated, and all that remaining parts of the Light's energy is Chaerius (the mythical beast), Ra'yl (the watchman), and the sword, Ra'grathon. Destiny has charged these few and their new attendant, Katyn Hidane, with an essential errand. Their part isn't to be successful, for the Light does not have enough power for that to be conceivable, yet they are to attempt to bring the contention back under Fate's control. They are to stop the Dark and diminish their energy to that of the Light, with the goal that everything may start once more

I hope you guys and ou senior @sirknight likes it.

So the day by day theme of this contest by @sirknight are









Gorgeous pics!

Wow, as the images, the text reflects the same dramatic contrast on both ends; dark and light.

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