DailyCelestialChallenge: Saturday-Agriculture / The Beekeeping


Today I will talk about beekeeping because I practiced it for years and I know that bees are fundamental for the welfare of wild flora anywhere in the world. 

A bee hive is a spectacular collective brain, perfectly organized, the most productive on the planet

Beekeeping is a millenary tradition that involves taking care of a swarm of bees inside beehives, obtaining from them a surplus, honey. Other natural products are also obtained such as propolis, pollen, royal jelly and medicines. The beekeeper is a herder of herds of bees, taking care of them and multiplying them.


Being a beekeeper is an exciting and varied occupation. It provides the joys of manual and thoughtful work, but also the concerns of those who depend on climate, the protection of biodiversity and the health of their animals.

The bee apis mellifera:

It is the bee species with the greatest distribution in the world. When a beekeeper refers to their beehives it refers to the collectivity of the bees that form a colony, the same family. In a hive the individual yields his value in favor of the collectivity of all bees. That is why it is said that the hive is a super-organism.

The bees, along with other insects, develop a fundamental activity for the feeding of the human being and of all the animals, the pollination. Without this work, productivity of the crops would fall by up to 75%.


In addition to the crops, most of the wild flora (up to 90%) requires pollination. When you go out to the country you want it to be green, lively, happy, full of flowers and colors, right?

As we have said before, bees 'apis mellifera' are individuals of a complex and social organism: La Colmena. Throughout hundreds of thousands of years they have developed their organism and rules of coexistence, to such an extent that they are considered the animals with the highest degree of society.


Some basic notions about bees

Organization of individuals by social castes:

Reina: is the female individual with the most developed reproductive apparatus. The queen only copulates once in her life and with several drones, therefore the reproductive apparatus is prepared to house this sperm for almost four years; this is due to the prolonged abdomen that the queen possesses.


Worker: the ovaries are atrophied by the action of the pheromone secreted by the queen and has no reproductive capacity. There is only one special case by which the worker can lay infertile eggs. The colonies that develop from this reproductive option are given the nickname zanganeras hives, the evolution of these colonies, as a rule, is zero.


Drones: your reproductive system is fully developed: testicles, seminal vesicles and penis, since its only clear function in life is to ensure that its genetic material lasts in the species. Once the objective is achieved, they die.


The life and activity cycle of a bee is surprising. They choose over the same offspring, common among all of them, who will be queens, workers or drones. The age and resources of the hive will determine the type of jobs they will perform throughout their lives. 


This was all for today

I hope you liked the topic today, I thank the mentor @sirknight for making this challenge a reality, tomorrow is a day of light, I hope that the new ones who have read my post are interested in participating in this #challengue

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