[Daily celestial challengue - Sunday-Light] Paranormal orbs of light (Real)

in #celestialchallenge6 years ago (edited)

Paranormal orbs of light:

The orbs are a highly debated phenomenon in the paranormal community. Some people believe that they are a visible evidence of the existence of spirits in our reality. And although it is not known for sure if the spirits are able to consciously take advantage of the energy or not, the orbs generally appear in places where there is some kind of paranormal activity.

But the reality is that the orbs that have become photographed arouse curiosity even in the most skeptical. Many believers in this type of phenomena completely discard the theory that orbs are nothing more than pollen, dust or moisture. Over the years many experts in the field have suggested several interesting theories to explain this phenomenon. Are representations of human spirits in the form of energy balls?.

Orbs are very common in the world of video and photography. Since 1996, the amount and variety of orbs that have appeared in videos and photographs has increased considerably since the widespread use of digital cameras. For the most skeptical this increase in the orb phenomenon coincides with the advance of digital photography being elements such as reflective surfaces, dust, rain, water spots, and insects causing the orbs. It can also be said that many paranormal researchers do not consider orbs as paranormal evidence because there are too many natural explanations for this phenomenon.

However, there is a possibility that some orbs could be paranormal in nature. This can be attributed especially to certain orbs that have been able to be observed with the naked eye, especially those that seem to have their own source of light and unusual patterns of movement.

Believers in the paranormal suggest that some orbs represent the energy of ghosts or entities from beyond. Each sphere can contain the energy of one or more entities. These spirits manifest themselves in the form of bright spheres of gold, light green, blue or crimson.

According to studies it is said that the orbs have structure within their sphere of energy and is described as follows:

Many people think that the orbs are visible representations of angelic beings or protective beings. Experts say that there is a predominance of orbs in special family gatherings, births or in spiritual places. For example, many wedding photographs show orbs near the bride or groom. For the most believers this is irrefutable proof that guardian angels are protecting and blessing the union of the couple.

Here is a video owned by Shadow Paranormal in which he better explains what an orb is:

This was my collaboration of light in #celestialchallengue, a challenge created and promoted by the mentor @sirknight. If you want to start the challenge start tomorrow talking about "darkness". Remember to leave your upvote and share.


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