DailyCelestialChallenge Friday-LoveBeautyFreedom

Hello and welcome to today's #CelestialChallenge by the initiator of the first ever church on the Blockchain @Steemchurch @SirKnight.

On today's #celestialchallenge tagged LoveBeautyFreedom, I will concentrate more on the Freedom. This is because you will naturally be perceived to be beautiful once you are FREE and people will love you for it.


The word of God in John 8 vs 32 says that;

And Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

This only means that it is the knowledge of the truth which you know about Christ that is ultimate in giving you that absolute freedom you so much desire. We were made to understand in the old testament that the laws which where given to Moses where not enough to make people faultless before God. However, this was the reason Jesus came to pay the price to redeem man from the law of sin and death.


As Christians and followers of Christ, it is important to note that total obedience to the word of God is the way to Freedom and Liberty. Immediately you have Knowledge of that truth, you are relieved from every form of condemnation. Therefore is is quite important to note that no form of laws and doctrines can set man free of anything whatsoever apart from truth. Immediately you come under the grace and truth of God's word, you become entirely free.

Once you do not have access to the truth, you will in the same level as those unbelievers and then of course you will still be in bondage and you won't be able to enjoy the benefits of being In Christ. Likewise, there are so many people who are in the church today who are just church goers and they still do not have knowledge and access to that truth we are talking about today and this puts them in chains. Taking a very good illustration about a young man who asked for independence from his father from Luke 15 vs 11-18about the parable of the lost son;

Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons.
The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them.
Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need.
So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs.
He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
17 When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!
18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.

I will focus my attention on verse 17 of Luke. When he came to his senses i.e when the knowledge of who he really is came to his head and memory, he decided to go back to his father. Yea that is absolutely how it is. It is the knowledge of the truth you have about Christ that will set you free from every affliction, every pain, every chain etc. Once you wholeheartedly serve God, there is no way you won't progress and reap the good of the Land. The truth is that the devil has so many tricks off his sleeves to see that you are deceived and live in stagnation but as followers of Christ that need that freedom in life, we need to totally ward the devil off and follow Christ wholeheartedly. Throw away the common lies that you can't;

  • pass an exam without engaging in malpractice
  • be successful in life without cheating other people
  • be wealthy without engaging yourself in some kind of fraudulent activities
  • increase or progress in life without pulling others down.
    Once you have the knowledge of truth, you are completely FREE.

That's the much I can take on the topic today.
Again many thanks to @Sirknight for initiating the great #celestialchallenge.


Steemchurch is the fastest growing community on the steem blockchain whose goals long term is to inspire authors and reawaken the world to Christianity. However to grow, we all need everyone to contribute his or her own quota.
You can give generously to the growth of Steemchurch through donations to the account @steemchurch.
Thank you in advance for your contributions.


To be free in this worl, your heart mut be pure, that means you should have kindness towards others

Significantly important


What a terrific post. This Knight was captivated from the start. Thank you for your continued support of the Church, Owolabi.


I am glad to always add to the growth of the church sir
Thanks for your time here today

great post man

Please what part of the post is great?
We love to learn here @steemchurch
Great post is really not a comment

i was at hurry at that time so .. i coudent make it to write a big comment .. thats why i just wrote that ..

Freedom comes as a results of love, without love nothing can be achieved

That's quite true mate

As children of God we need to be free from evil, pride, hatred, jealousy etc. For the grace of God to abide in us

Jesus' ransom sacrifice freed us from sin. I like the modern day application you included, things christians should avoid. The thing is, once saved is not always saved, so applying scriptures daily will help us build the strong faith.

Thanks for the addition Brother @Jaff8
The word of God is our spiritual food
It needs to be consumed daily

Very interesting post, indeed freedom a great thing and it is only for those who works for it

Trust in the lord and his words, he will bless you with freedom and so much more. @owoblow-steemit your contribution to the first church of the blockchain @steemchurch is highly appraised!

dear @owoblow-steemit... i love your post.
your work is well you are very intellengt writer i hope your success is very soon?? Thank you i support you everytime but i want to you support me alltime thanks for this post

Wow!!! This is really amazing
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Am so following you right now

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