Daily celestial challenge(Tuesday -Animal kingdom)


The name of my dog is jack,it a smart and funny dog my family is so luck to own it....My senior brother bought jack from his friend ,jack as only spent 6months with my family and my family is used to it...jack helps in the house work some times he also spoil the house with the smell of his shit am alway the one to clean them up am used to that now.my brother feed and bath it always ...I do take jack for a walk in the evening,when ever we are together my friends can't come close to me cause they are afraid of jack sometimes i make trouble on the street and no one can near me Cause i gat JACK!

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@jpkonkz It has always been said that the dog is man's best friend, so ** jack ** lives up to this saying. Best regards

So you mean Jack actually does house chores? Funny ho. Anyway, enjoy jack's company.

Beautiful dog

Dogs are human friends and obviously companions. Nice one bro

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