Propagation of light in vacuum/DailyCelestialChallenge Sunday

Propagation of light in vacuum

Light has awakened in the interest of scientists, and its study has made possible many technological discoveries both in physics and in chemistry, in chemistry for example, light has made possible the analysis of the components of some substance, and its reaction to this.

The light by simple definition, is an electromagnetic radiation that can be perceived by the human eye, this radiation always propagates in a straight line through all the spaces, this we can verify when, for example, sunlight enters through a window in an environment where there is dust in suspension. It can be seen that the beam of light is a straight line and allows to appreciate the movement of dust particles in the environment.

The light propagates in space at a speed of 299,792,458 meters per second, and this speed is not overcome by any other known movement, the propagation of light and its encounter with any object that is in its path arise the shadows, although when a beam of light passes through a pointed object or a narrow opening it may curl slightly.

In a closed environment light can propagate through reflection, when a small beam of light that bounces on reflective surfaces and this is dissipated in different directions, while more reflective surfaces find the beam of light in its path its reach will be longer.

Invitation rules to join the heavenly challenge:
@sirknight is the brain behind this challenge and exposes you to a whole new world.

Sunday = Light
Monday = Darkness
Tuesday = AnimalKingdom
Wednesday = Structures
Thursday = ForcesinNature
Friday = LoveBeautyFreedom
Saturday = Agriculture

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