Celestial Challenge: Thursday - Spiritual Forces

in #celestialchallenge6 years ago

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There are distinctive "forces in nature", however the one I revere more is the profound power, the one that is established in the Almighty God.

Today I listened to the word of God being preached in my church about two forces meeting up in the people of David and Goliath, with the first being less in statue compared with the former who was a Philistine mammoth of six cubits, one traverse tall or nine feet tall.

Goliath, with his scary statue who have physical powers, turned out morning and night for forty days to challenge the Israelites to a fight in the Valley of the Terebinth.

This scared King Saul and the entire of Israelite. To survive implied that the Israelites were to fear Goliath in light of the fact that if his physical strenght (forces). The dread was intense to the point that the King had put an abundance, incorporating giving his daugter in marriage to any individual who might execute Goliath.

Odinarily, David who have no physical strenght nor powers, who was untalented in the craft of war, while Goliath had been a battleship from his childhood. In any case, he had confide in the energy of God to spare his kin from the hand of their most outstanding adversary, Goliath.

Against all suggestions, David went to fight Goliath and with only a stone, murdered him. the stone was not only a physical weapon, it has more spiritual undertone than physical.

This was God's power (forces in nature) at work in the young fellow. Dear steamians, God has a definitive powers to spare any circumstance that debilitates us, you just need to have faith in him and submit to his words and He will give on you his profound gift that is covered by spiritual forces in nature.


who would have thought that david will be able to victories over Goliath
of course it can only be the mighty work of God
may his peace alway be with us
pls do follow and upvote @oliverwilliams

God bless you bro for taking your time out to dish this out. The truth is without God there is a limit to how far a man can go with his life. If all your achievements in life are a direct product of your inputs, then you must be really a lot of miles behind schedule.
Thanks for this bro.

Always, thanks for reading.

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