DailyCelestialChallenge - Agriculture

in #celestialchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for @sirknight for this great privilege and to @tikhub for the info.

Etymologically, the word "agriculture" is gotten from the Latin word "agricultūra" which is coined from the two words, "ager" meaning "field" and "cultūra" meaning "cultivation".


The history of agriculture dates back to thousands of years. It's influence was continent on certain factors, ranging from technologies, culture and geographical areas, population, climate etc.

The meaning of agriculture goes beyond cultivation of crops and rearing of animals. In reflects the purpose of man, for the sustenance and enhancement of humanity.

I see agriculture as investing into nature, by productive usage of natural resources for greater return.

There are several activities such as monocrppping, mixed cropping, irrigation etc based on the time frame, ranging from pre planting operations to post planting operations, from production to consumption.

My little story.



I won't talk about Agriculture without letting the image of my mother reflect in the story.

Few years back when I was in my late tens and early teens, about a dozen age, my mom will always take us to the farm. She's a woman who understands the significance of agriculture in this era.

Every morning, we were woken up by the cock crows. In the setting of a village, there are varieties of domestic animals, such as goats and cocks. There's something so interesting about the cock - it is its crow. We take that sharp tone to be our alarm since there were less technological advancement then for everybody to have an electronic alarm. That was why I consider the cock fascinating. Maybe that's the reason I seldom eat chicken. Maybe, maybe not.

... Co ko ro ko...!!!
The first cock crows.

Immediately, everyone wakes up. My elder brother, who was about half a decade older than I am and my mum will grip our hoes and carry the necessary tools we need for an effective and efficient farming operation for that day.

... Kpu kpum kpu kpum kpu kpum...
The sound from our feet as it hit the ground looks as if I was a myriad of people going for war.

After all, yes! We might not be going for war, meanwhile, there's something similar, we are soldiers. We allow our farms feel our strength as we till the soil and cultivate.

My mother was a good farmer who was passionate about helping others through this platform. She engaged in volunteering services and conducted empowerment programs for women. Her humanitarian spirit geared her into providing for the poor, feeding the hunger by giving them some of her agricultural products. Though she has gone to see her maker.

This lifestyle of giving has influenced me positively. Inspite of the fact that I still feel hurt because of her loss, her legacies remain ever green in my heart. I always say this:
"Its God who gives the fortitude that knows best".

She was a heroine, a woman who impacted her society through agriculture. A society where the female folks are looked down upon, yet she brought light. She fought against gender inequality by showing the community that what a man does, a woman can do better.

Let me stop here before this story transforms into a long tribute. I'll terminate by likening her to this poem by a Ghanese Poet - Grace Nichols.

Unforgiven as the course of justice
Inerasable as my scars and fate
I am here,
A woman
It isn't privilege or pity that I seek
Safety or reference
But the power to be who I am
A woman
Holding my beads in my hands


It helps to build a food-secure future.
The development of agriculture is one of the most important means of terminating poverty.

Once poverty is alleviated, social vices and rate of engagement of nefarious activities will drastically reduce.

Agriculture on the other hand has been the backbone of the economy and also contributed to about 51% with respect to the development of some countries.

With this, over dependence on petroleum and other sectors will be discouraged.

Indeed, the importance of agriculture cannot be overemphasized.



Embracing digital innovation and improving technological standards in
agricultural extension could arouse the interest of women and youths by encouraging them to dive into agriculture. The youth needs to be given a voice.

Government can encourage farmers through granting of incentives, giving loans, subsidizing agricultural inputs, formation of programmes and institutes etc with will create a better atmosphere for agricultural advancement, growth and development.

Thanks for reading. You may kindly upvote, comment and resteem. Let's interact.


How glad I become when seeing people showing interest in agriculture because the world can't grow without agriculture @gracehills

You're on point @bigssam
Agriculture pays

"I see agriculture as investing into nature, by productive usage of natural resources for greater return."...this is my favorite part of your post. Excellent job

I feel flattered 😄
Thanks @stanleyc-md for your comment

I do think too that man survives because of agriculture.

exactly @udayakumarage
I wonder if man can survive without agriculture

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