celestialchallenge:Tuesday-animal kingdom

in #celestialchallenge7 years ago

Hello steemit family, happy and blessed day for @stemchurch and @sirknight for your good initiative #celestialchallenge, today's theme on Tuesday-animal kingdom is the eagle


Also known as The Queen of Birds, thanks to its character and way of being, its flight, its bearing, its strength and its implacable precision in hunting, has been considered the most powerful and prestigious bird. There are infinite ways of seeing and interpreting it according to the culture, the time and the spirituality that is evoked. This animal represents from very remote times of civilizations: Majesty, Empire, Divinity, Wisdom, Enigma, Courage, Courage, Strength, Power, Government, Authority, Dominion, Superiority, Magnificence, Excellence, Victory, Achievement, Triumph, Loyalty, Nobility , Honor. His image appears on many shields, emblems, stamps, banners and flags.


The eagle has a very developed vision, more than all the animals of nature. You can clearly distinguish a hare in distances of 3 kilometers or more. When it sees its prey, it reduces its focus on it and does not move its view of it until it is taken. It works like telescope lenses. It has a tissue called pecten, a comb-shaped vascular structure that is anchored in the retina and the wall of the eye and projects inward. In addition to "food" function has other functions that favor. It resembles a "zoom" that magnifies the image. The pupil is larger and more light enters which results in a better contrast. With the central fovea has the best image resolution, and also has a second fovea for peripheral vision. Something totally unimaginable in the human visual system: two foveas in each eye.


The eagle makes its nest in the canopy of large trees, or rocky mountains difficult to access. It can measure more than 3 meters deep and about 2 meters wide. The largest known nest reached 6 meters deep and just over 3 meters wide. If it occupies a nest that has been built by other eagles, it continues to renew it. In that nest, which will be the lifelong one, the couple provides care, protection and feeding to the eaglets, until they reach their autonomy and move to another place and build their own nest. The eagles are monogamous, only the death of one of them leads them to take another pair. They are faithful and to choose they are very selective and demanding.


There are many types of predatory birds that are related to the eagle, about 50 different species such as hawks, vultures, condors and harpies. Some are carnivorous feeding birds, others feed on meat as well as small insects and seeds, others feed on carrion (dead and decomposing bodies). The eagles have seventeen species and are in extinction.
This King of birds is an example of how God deals with us. For those who know and trust God, He promises them that they will rise high like eagles.

As mother eagle teaches her eaglets to fly leaving the safety of her nest, so God enlarges our faith allowing us trials and difficulties in our lives. But it is very important for us to always depend on Him, so that we are not crushed by our circumstances.

"Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength, they will lift up their wings like eagles, they will run and they will not grow weary, they will walk and not be weary." Isaiah 40:31

Ezekiel 17: 3 And you shall say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD:' A great eagle with great wings, long pine-nuts and thick plumage of many colors, came to Lebanon and took the top of the cedar

Ezekiel 17: 7 But there was another great eagle with great wings and abundant plumage, and behold, this vine bent its roots toward it, and toward it it spread its branches from the furrows where it was planted to be watered.

Jeremiah 48:40 For thus says the LORD: Behold, he shall fly swiftly like an eagle, and shall spread his wings against Moab.

The Eagle of St. John the Evangelist

Saint John the Evangelist is represented by an eagle because he is the writer of the Bible who has risen to greater heights of spirituality with his writings. He went back to heaven speaking of the eternity of the verb. The elevation of his spirit and his style and language make him fly to the top, and the eagles are considered as the birds that fly higher.

John is the elevation of contemplation, gaze directed to the sun, his gospel is the contemplation of God (Jn 1,1)

St. Cromothius of Aquileia states that "John was the youngest of all the disciples of the Lord; the youngest of age, but the oldest by faith ".


The eagles do not flap, they go back to great heights that the human eye does not reach. Christians are expected to rise upward, those who wait on God, will also have new strength, the spirit of God is like the winds that push us higher.

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