DailyCelestialChallenge Friday-LoveBeautyFreedom: THE EAGLE

Hello friends dear friends of Steemit and my brothers @steemchurch and @communitynews in the DailyCelestial Challenge of @sirknight today we will talk about: LoveBeautyFreedom.



"Those who wait on the Lord renewed their strength, they lifted up their wings like eagles, they will run and they will not grow weary, they will walk and not be weary" Isaiah 40:31.
After its birth the bird only eats and sleeps but when its wings begin to grow, eagle mom makes sure that the nest is no longer a comfortable place so that the eaglet wants to go out and learn to fly. This is a very scary process. But the mother keeps a close watch on her little one so that if she runs the risk of falling she flies underneath and picks him up on her wings so that she does not get hurt. This is a learning process. Finally the harrier learns to fly, high in the skies as well as his mother eagle.
That is when you can face life for yourself.
The eagle is God and we are the chicks, but we are settled in our nest, he who loves us, also makes us know ourselves and what we are capable of, that we learn in trials and sufferings and really test our faith .
God gives us a test for the renewal of our faith, but like Mom is here to help us overcome the trials.
Our mind can be renewed when we understand God's purposes for each one of us. We can be free from the control of destructive thoughts and behavior, God wants us to be pure and holy and to become like Jesus Christ his Son. When eagles live free they are the cleanest birds, but when they are in captivity they are the dirtiest. When we are free and live in close fellowship with God, we reflect his character.
The eagles go through a time of renewal.
When they reach around the age of sixty, they need a time of renewal! The eagle looks for a secret place up there in the mountains.
Start plucking feathers that have been damaged for years. As a result, it will bleed a lot. Then he will wait patiently for the sun's rays to heal him. Going through this renewal process the eagle gets rid of the dead weight and unnecessary feathers and leaves room for new growth.


Deuteronomy 32: 11,12 Like an eagle that awakens its nest, that flits about its young, spreads its wings and takes them, and carries them on its plumage. 12 The LORD alone led him, and with him there was no foreign god.


Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:
Tuesday - animal kingdom

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