Daily Celestial Challenge/ Wednesdays - (Spiritual structure of man.)

(1 Thessalonians 5: 17-23) "Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all things, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus, do not quench the Spirit, do not despise the prophecies, but carefully examine everything, hold fast good thing, abstain from all evil, and may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may ALL OF YOUR BEING, SPIRIT, SOUL, AND BODY, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. "

The Holy Bible clearly says that man is composed of three distinct parts of each other.

  • The body: It is the physical structure, the material part of man, formed by the senses, stimuli and sensations in perception and its relationship with pleasure, and pain. It is the room of the spirit and the soul.

  • The spirit: It is the gift of having knowledge of God and communion with Him.
    acquires just direction because it remains in constant communication with God, when it comes to the spirit, for man there is only one language GOD, this part is responsible for following the truth and light.

  • The soul: It is the seat of feelings, emotions

The soul, the body and the spirit are intimately linked with each other and it is impossible to separate them. When a person dies, the soul and spirit are separated from their body to go where God has determined.The spirit is the part of our being through which we can communicate with God and establish a personal friendship with Him. The Bible says in Genesis chapter 1 that "God created man in his image and likeness", that means that we also He made spirit, to be able to communicate with Him.

The son of God is called to live in the spirit, as the image explains we are spirit and as such we must walk, that means we must share the truth, be fair: your life as a child of God is a constant struggle between the body and the spirit, but you are called to overcome the desires of the flesh and live a life of faith, knowing that God is always at your side trusting in his promises and believing in those who have believed.

Have a wonderful day.


Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:

Monday - Darkness

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