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RE: Celebrity Sketch #3 - Noel Gallagher

in #celebritysketch6 years ago

Nowadays I just feel old for knowing who they are LOL.

Starting to feel like that myself these days. I'm at that point now where I've had some of my jeans and jumpers for over 10 years and it feels a little odd. :)

Thanks a lot for the nice words. Drawings how I began on steemit. I only started drawing again last year after a break of about 15-20 years so I'm not as good as perhaps I could or should be and nowhere near as good as some of the phenomenal artists I've seen on steemit but I'm pretty pleased with my progress. :)

The music reminds me of a complicated and yet simpler time in my life. As for the brothers, I'm probably not far off to suggest that they represented much more than just the voices of their generation but probably the social conditioning of that generation as were their supposed heroes and inspiration, The Beatles,to their generation, so I'm not really a fan of them personally. :)

It's good to hear from you and I hope things are a little calmer in your own life these days.


Yes, there are some phenomenal artists here, but don't cut yourself short. If you've really been out of it then this is extraordinary work! I recently started painting again after a few years off and to be honest, I feel like a complete beginner again. But it sure works therapeutic for me and that's probably exactly what I need. And I get what you mean by a complicated yet simpler time. I think we've had the same 'times' :) I look at my eldest daughter, who is 16 and think the same: some parts of her life are so much more complicated than what I had to deal with when I was her age and at the same time I know it's probably a time with the least worry before adulthood. The awesome 'me, me, me' phase! It's good to see you around again a bit more and yes, things are a bit calmer, but with everything that happened I think it's really the calm before the storm, but this time in a good way. I'm planning a 6 to 8 week trip around Europe so hopefully it will give us the time to recuperate from everything that has been going on. I hope to see more of your art and of you soon :)

I'm planning a 6 to 8 week trip around Europe so hopefully it will give us the time to recuperate from everything that has been going on.

Jealousy is a terrible thing but I have to admit I'm a little jealous. Six weeks travelling around Europe sounds amazing and I hope you enjoy it and keep us all up to date with your travels. Thanks a lot fro the nice words and the encouragement. It really means a lot to me and it's a big help. :)

No need to be jealous. I might have to alter my plans a little too since there is no budget at the moment for travel abroad. I was thinking about it the other day and thought: why not start in Ireland? There are many places that we haven't seen yet here and since I have plans to move away from here in the near enough future, this might be our last chance to see it. I don't feel much for hanging around our house too much, so we might as well just go and discover. We'll see how that goes and then go from there...

Soubds like a good plan to me. There's still so many places in Scotland I haven't seen myself and I expect the same is true of most of us and our own countries.

I'm sad to hear thst you're wanting to leave Ireland but I'm guessing it has little to do with the place itself and more to do eith those who think they own it and those who live in it and in that regard I can't really blame you. Seems like the whole worlds going crazy right now though so might be a case of better the devil you know. :(

I hope you have a great time travelling wherever you end up, home or abroad, and I hope you can forget about your current situation for a while and live your life the way it should be lived. Happily and peacefully. :)

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