Why have the Royal Family hung Thomas Markle out to dry?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #celebrity6 years ago

thomas merkle.jpg

Apparently Meghan Markle's father, Thomas, is now no longer attending a certain wedding this weekend to give his daughter, the bride, away to the Royal Family.

Well, why should he? He has already done it once - why must he keep doing it?

It has been claimed that the Firm didn't want him to attend in the first place but exclusion would have led to a public backlash, so they had to find a way for him to exclude himself.

A heart attack, it seems, will do the trick. A condition brought on, it is also claimed by the British Fake Media, by the stress of him being caught colluding with paparazzi photographers to obtain snaps in return for a $100,000 payment.

A lot of money for a man who is down on his luck financially and living on a shoestring in Mexico.

The press, of course, claim foul. How could this old fool be selling out his own daughter, to the embarrassment of the British Royal Family? How dare he, don't invite him, ban him, throw him in the Tower.

The problem with this story is that if Mr Markle wanted to cash in on his daughter's cashing in then he could have done this six or twelve months ago.

A book about the childhood of Britain's latest fairy Princess would have made enough for him to live the rest of his life in reasonable comfort.

Any of the global media organizations would have paid him a fortune for his story. Even more so now.

But he didn't. He hasn't. He has stayed quiet, kept his head down and nobody had even heard of him until a few weeks ago when, as it turns out, members of the Buckingham Palace Press Office who have been, quite rightly, chaperoning him in Mexico over recent months, suddenly upped and left.

Left the man, with no previous media experience at all, to the Jackals. And that is precisely when the offending paparazzi pictures emerged.

Is this The Palace dropping the ball, or dropping him in it?

Why is he even in Mexico being measured for a suit, as the pictures revealed? Why is the father of the bride not already in London, safely tucked away in a palace somewhere having his measurements taken in private?

Have you even wondered why Thomas Markle is having to buy his own suit from a down-market Mexican tailor in the first place?

I have and it doesn't make any sense. The wedding is in three days time and is expected to be watched by up to TWO BILLION people around the world and the bride's father is not already in London rehearsing his part in the production.

It seems there has never been any intention of inviting him in the first place or, at the very least, from around two weeks ago when the Palace left him to his own devices.

And now, with all this publicity, they have also left him at grave risk of being kidnapped and held for ransom in such a lawless country.

Part of me hopes he is, if only to reveal the disgraceful treatment he has had at the hands of this family, although I hope he remains safe and unharmed.

We have seen, in the past, all sorts of problems caused for the Royal Family by trash media and so surely they must have had things like this covered. They must have known what to expect and how to deal with it.

Why are these callous, selfish, thoughtless people not protecting the man. Why has his daughter not stood up for him?

Maybe they know something we don't. Although that's unlikely, they don't usually do they.

If I were you Mr Markle I would now do the right thing. I would avoid the press hounds, that family and London like the plague they are, sell your story to the highest bidder, buy a nice condo on a quiet beach somewhere and retire.

I, for one, will pay to read it for an ending like that.

Stay away from these people Thomas, they are rotten to the core. The girl has been lost to her own ambition.

-Albert Jack


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