Holiday traditions of New Year in different countries.

in #celebration8 years ago

All the good days and good mood:)

I'll tell you where, when and how to celebrate the New Year!

Romans, Arabs, Russians and samurai. In the night from December 31 to January 1 fun good Europeans Scotland, France, Italy, Austria, Romania, Finland and many other countries, plus Australians, Canadians, Americans and most of the residents of the former Soviet Union. UAE and Japan are also happy to join.


In Greece, the New Year begins on January 14, the day of St. Basil. Holy Basil - a sort of local Santa Claus, so you are waiting to visit the children: without presents, in theory, will not leave. great time for honeymooners, as there are at this time great discounts on room for honeymooners.


None of them does not know when exactly the New Year will happen, and no one in particular on this subject is not worried. Between 21 January and the end of February, he will be sure, so much to the celebration of the lunar calendar in China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Korea and Mongolia still prepared in advance.


Each year, New Year's date varies and faithful followers of Mohammed. Hijrah - Islamic New Year - comes on the first day of the month of Muharram. The main thing is to survive it without serious transgressions.


Spring New Year on the Persian calendar, it may be noted, along with the population of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan and Azerbaijan. Navruz is expected in the night from 21 to 22 March, on the day of the vernal equinox.


April New Year is celebrated in Sri Lanka, and Nepal (13 April), Laos (April 14), Burma (three days, from 12 to 17 April) and in Thailand - here it is known as Songar-kan and gets usually in the second decade of April. By the way, in Nepal New Year back in the autumn, between October 15 and November 15.

Mayan Indians.

Meet the New Year July 16 very solemnly deposited ritual tattoos, dancing ritual dances and commemorate the great ancestors.

Jews. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, celebrated on the first and second day of Tishrei (usually in the fall). Tradition demands that the table will certainly present two challah (round bread), apples and honey, then the coming year will be a happy one.

Africans (Ethiopians).

Ethiopians each year on 11 September rejoice not so much to the New Year, as the fact that finally ended the rainy season. In the Gambia, all repeated on 7 October.

Islanders in Oceania and Hawaii.

Meet the feast is about the same time - in the middle of November.


New Year's Eve give to friends and family branches of a blossoming peach tree - a symbol of the New Year - and small tangerine tree with fruit. New Year (Tet, the Spring Festival) is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, between 21 January and 19 February, when the spring comes early, so at the festive table in this country are always bouquets. At nightfall, bonfires Vietnamese in parks, gardens or on the streets, the fires are going to a few families. On the coals prepared special sweets from rice. On this night, all the quarrels are forgotten and forgiven all the insults.


Nowhere in the world, the New Year is not celebrated as often as in Bali because Bali last year to 210 days. On this day all Bali calms down and immersed in the silence, it Nyepi Day, the first day of the new year on the Balinese lunar calendar. Balinese Hinduism kind of claims that the universe begins with "absolute nothing", and the first day of the new year must exactly match this. The main attribute of the holiday - a colorful rice, from which they bake two-meter tape. From these tapes make the column a gift to the gods. When the holiday is over, residents dismantled tower home


In Bulgaria, when the clock strikes midnight, three minutes the lights go down. This time is called the New Year's kisses, so darkness is intended to keep the secret, and the action itself without words to express the wish of love, happiness and success in the New Year. Even in this country it is the custom in the New Year's Eve in the middle of the table to put a loaf of bread, which put a coin. then cut the bread, and each family member is looking for in a piece of coin. The finder on the belief the whole year will be accompanied by good luck. Traditional Bulgarian New Year is banitsa (layered cake with cheese).


In Romania also decided to bake pies in the money, but also - and hot pepper rings. If it will fall ring, then. by signs, the coming year will be especially happy. The New Year's morning, children from 3 to 12 years old go from house to house with the green branch of apple or pear, decorated with colored paper, glitter, gold and artificial flowers. These branches are collected on the day of St. Andrew (30 November) and keep fresh before the New Year. Children come into the house with a wish of happiness and long years, touching a twig to each family member. So do the children and all the passing down the street.


In Japan, New Year's Eve bell discourage hundred eight hits (numbers 100 and 8 are considered to be the Japanese happy). New Year meet at midnight and sunrise, the holiday lasts for the whole of January. Japanese children celebrate the New Year in new clothes, it is believed that it brings health and good luck in the New Year. On New Year's night, they hide under the pillow a picture of a sailboat on which the floating seven fabulous magicians - patrons happy. A northern Japanese city on New Year decorate ice palaces and castles, the huge snow sculptures of fantastic heroes. The most popular New Year's attribute in Japan - a rake, they need to ensure that the New Year was something to "rake in happiness."


New year in China - the most joyous and solemn occasion, it is known as Chun Jie, or Spring Festival (it is celebrated at the end of winter). The Chinese New Year tradition is preserved Buddha bathing. On this day, all the Buddha statues in temples and monasteries respectfully washed in clean water from mountain springs. And do people pour water at a time when others are pronounced against them Christmas wishes of happiness. Therefore, on this day they all go through the streets in soaking wet clothes. Of particular relevance to China and to the New Year's meal. It is believed that it removes the sins of the past year, so distribute it, saying: "A thousand strokes, ten thousand abusive words for one meal."


Children's New Year's holiday in Cuba called the Day of the Kings. Sorcerer-king, bringing gifts to children, called Balthazar, Gaspar and Melchor. On the eve of the children write their letters, which tell about their cherished desires. Cubans at midnight splashes water from a jug on the ground - this means that the old year ended happily, and the new one will be as clean and clear as water. In the meantime, the clock strikes 12 hits, you need to eat 12 vinogradinok, then good agreement, prosperity and peace will be accompanied by a person twelve months.


In Italy, taking care of to put on new things in the New Year. December 31, husband and wife give close red lingerie, knowing that this color symbolizes newness. In the New Year's Eve decided to throw out of the windows of old things: old irons, chairs and other stuff. According to the signs, the space is sure to take new things. On New Year's table Italians are always present nuts, lentils and grapes - symbols of longevity, health and well-being. In the Italian province has long been the custom there: January 1 early in the morning back home need to bring water from the source, because it is believed that the water brings happiness.


New Year's Eve in Spain has been very noisy and fun. It decided to celebrate it in a big way. The Spaniards have the same sign as that of the Cubans: if you have time to the beat of hours to eat 12 grapes, celebrate the most cherished desire. Interestingly, seedless grapes happiness brings. New Year's entertainment in the country countless: from all sorts of Christmas divination, cheerful dances and fireworks until dawn, then rest will be very long.


In Sweden, before the New Year the children choose the Queen Lucia light. Her dress up in a white dress, a head wearing a crown with candles. Lucia brings children gifts and goodies Pet cat - cream, dog - bone sugar, donkey - carrots. The festive night in the homes not the lights go out, the streets are brightly lit, because the light symbolizes friendship, kindness and fun. Perhaps it is for this reason that the Swedes give each other home-made candles.

All a pleasant day!
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Most of them I have been acquainted already. But some of them are new to me. Кстати, скоро у нас в Израиле - Новый Год)

Lucky you, we will not soon New Year:)

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