Anytime you concentrate on the difficulty of the work at hand instead of its results or rewards, you’re likely to become discouraged.

Why are you reading this article? Why are you writing articles on Steemit? Sometimes it can be really tiring to create content and to come up with ideas for topics. That is what many people refer to as writers' block. Of course, it is even more crucial if you have a publishing company waiting for your transcript and you know that it should be delivered in a couple of days. That is a stressful situation. But, what can you do about it? If all you can see is difficulty and stress, what might be the solution?

A good option is to go for a run or a up-tempo walk. It will make the blood flow faster in your body and in your brain, which again leads to creativity and it also creates endorphins and BDNF in your body, which both will help you feel better, more relaxed, and boost your memory and creativity. In fact, this shouldn't be a one-time event, but you should do it several times a week, and it will really boost your performance.

But, let us return to the quote of the day.

Anytime you concentrate on the difficulty of the work at hand instead of its results or rewards, you’re likely to become discouraged.

Maybe it is time to stop looking at the difficulty ahead. Look further! Look at the joy when the transcript is ready and the task is done. When you sit down with a glass of wine with your spouse to tell that the job is finished and the book or the article is ready. When you buy a hamburger and eat it, simply celebrate what has happened. When people come to ask for your autograph because they look up to you for your writings or whatever you have done.

Look further... it will help you fight discouragement!

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