What do you do with... bananas?

in #ccc4 years ago

Bananas do not grow in the Netherlands.
I try to remember if we ate them as I was a young kid. I don't think so if it comes to the daily piece of fruit like an apple or pear.
My first memory of banana is baked/fried banana. My father made it. He peeled the banana, covered it with sugar and fried it in a pan on a low fire. No slices but parts of about half the size of a banana. It was part of our dinner, a side dish.

Some people make something out of fruit. In the Netherlands children give it as a treat on their birthday to children in their class.

Years later the baked banana became very popular but it was completely different from what my father made.
What we know as baked banana these days is banana covered by dough and fried in oil. I love the pisang goreng most but it is hardly for sale. A common banana can be used too as long as it is not too ripe.
In the Netherlands you can baked banana at nearly every Chinese restaurant. All these restaurants are run by Chinese but the food is a mix between Chinese and Indonesian food. The only other place I know where you can buy this baked banana made with pisang goreng is at the yearly Pasar Malam which will probably not be there this year.

Banana on fruit pies is rare with us. You can only use small slices and if you cover it with a jelly so it won't colour.

Slices of banana are eaten with yogurt or ice cream.
It's more an extra to brighten up the dessert. Seldom a whole banana is eaten. Perhaps because it's expensive or while a banana makes you gain weight although I doubt anyone cared about that 10-50 years ago. Once I made icecream out of fruit. Banana is a good substitute for cream. It gives the ice a smooth, creamy taste.

My favourite ice cream dessert was the Dame Blanche during my childhood.
I assume mainly because I am not crazy about ice cream (there were by far not so many flavours 45 years ago as these days.) and it was covered with a hot chocolate sauce.

What more do I do with banana?

I only buy them for my children, actually in most cases for the youngest because it doesn't like/can bite an apple. I still think bananas are expensive but the children need to eat something.

In the past three weeks the bus-kid made a bananabread (cake) twice.
If probably only twice in my life. It's good if you have overripe bananas and don't know what to do with it but if not I consider it as a waste. If the children are not visiting school they seldom eat fruit..The last banana cake was a test to a part of the dough cocoa was added. Personally I found it a waste of the cocoa but I believe the children liked it.

Source all photos above

This is my entry to the CCC contest What do you do with... hosted by @gertu
Theme: bananas

This is an Invitation to join #ccc. The community CCC supports members by encouraging and upvoting each other and by hosting contests. Contests ate hosted by @team-ccc and it's members. See @team-ccc for contests running.


Todas las publicaciones de banana llegaron. @wakeupkitty.pal. Las dos anteriores son con #CCC y con la ciudad neoxiana y esta es la tercera.

Publicar es un desastre. Algunas publicaciones nunca llegan. De repente están allí dos o tres veces. Siempre uso las etiquetas #palnet #marlians #neoxian y #creativecoin pero creo que ya no funcionan. Esas tribus son un desastre. Weku.io también está desconectado. No usaré las etiquetas por más tiempo hasta que se resuelvan todos los problemas. 💕

Es cierto. Las publicaciones no obtienen recompensas tampoco. las comunidades aun no se mudan. Yo publique en hive mi tema sobre sardinas y, ni un saludo. solo tres votos jajaja, resulta que qurator aun no se había mudado para allá. Y por lo que leí va con otros cuadros y no le entendí lo demás. Escribe mucho y no le entiendo nada. También publiqué en gemas y nada. Creo que la que si está disponible es #CCC pero no se si en hive. Es una locuraaaaaa.

It is true. Posts don't get rewards either. communities have not yet moved. I published in hive my topic on sardines and not a greeting. only three votes hahaha, it turns out that qurator had not yet moved there. And from what I read it goes with other paintings and I did not understand the rest. He writes a lot and I don't understand him at all. I also posted on gems and nothing. I think the one that is available is #CCC but I don't know if it is in hive. It's crazy.

@qurator just started and look for a new logo. They ask for someone to design it. In two weeks I hope most bugs are solved and it works better.

I just posted on travelfeed.io the site and it did not show in my account. I posted it myself and now it appears two times 🥴

logo on hive. Because here they continue with the same I think.

jajajajaja crazy.

You think they stay here too? I did not find their post Tasty Tuesday on Give 🤔

Well, we have upvoted and reblogged your post to thousand followers.. Thank you so much to vote us as your witness and curator.

Thank you very much. 💕

Bananas are a high herb! You can use scrap banana skins for a fertilizer for your plants xxx

I have no plants inside and outside my ground is great I just have a lack of water. All organic goes to my garden anyway. Thank you for reading and commenting. 👍💕

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