If you think Prescriptions are helping you then please think again...

in #cbd7 years ago


❤️ Testimonials ❤️ featuring Kristen*

"In this picture are some of the contraptions that I collected over the past 12 years to deal with (often unbearable) pain, ache, fatigue and brain fog from an autoimmune disease and a neck injury (both of which I tried to manage as quietly as possible). What you can't see here are the chiropractic, acupuncture, rolfing, blood tests, surgical consults, neuro testing, PT, decompression treatments, supplements, reiki, tears, meltdowns, etc.

Tomorrow, I'm taking this equipment to Goodwill. Yesterday, I canceled my massage envy membership.
Every day now, for five months, I've been void of the symptoms and pain that plagued me, and I've eliminated placebo effect as a possible explanation for my new lease on life 🍾✨ 50mg/day for 3-weeks of a triple-lab-tested rich CBD oil, from a European hemp plant, with the proper entourage blend ...and my life has changed."

If you are ready to experience your OWN Amazing Testimony, message me and let's get your Health heading in a Positive direction ❤️

*anecdotal testimony

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