Caturday - Mina

in #caturday6 years ago


I don't usually have such an easy time photographing Miss Mina nor her beautiful gold eyes. Isn't she beautiful?

Amazingly, this photo was taken with my cell phone!


ha! howdy again youhavewings! look at those eyes! the eyes have it..blacker than black with golden eyes, that's gorgeous! great photo!

Thank you, @janton. Yes, her eyes were glowing this day. Turned out pretty good considering it was a cell phone pic :)

howdy again youhavewings! well I've been seeing some amazing photos with cell phones so I assumed that the technology has significantly improved in that way. Why is your cell phone an old one?

How do you know my cell phone is old?

I am not into cell phones, @janton I despise them actually. I use mine for a portable camera and gps :) People get upset with me all the time about that. I am due for an upgrade but my only reason in doing that would be for a bigger screen as my older eyes are having trouble seeing these days. LOL HOWEVER, my friends either have the ones that you have to place your finger print to access or your eyes - that's creepy to me!

oh I see....the primitive side of youhavewings comes out! lol.
That's okay I got you beat on that one too. I'm so backward that I never got a cell phone, ever. Finally last year Mrs. J bought one for me because she said that I was the last person on earth without a cell phone.

But, I don't know how to use it except to call and I don't know where it is.
So if you are primitive then I'm prehistoric!

The way I knew you had an old one is because the new ones take great pictures. But don't you like to talk on them? I don't I never talk to anyone, I'm a hermit!

No, I don't like to talk on them. No, no, no! LOL They are not good for you either with the EMF emitted. Why people are getting brain cancer and such. And I just see how these phones are changing people and I don't like it - so it's more a stubborn thing with me. I'll never forget when my kids were going to Montessori school, cell phones were becoming the main mode of communication suddenly. We moms would always sit in the entry of the school for a couple hours having coffee together and sharing mom info and then wham.....they all had these smart phones and were communicating with one another through the phones even though we're all sitting there together - no eye contact. I just stopped going for Mom time because I didn't see the point anymore.

haha! oh man youhavewings that is funny because it's so true, the video, but sad because it's so true! wow. yeah like those pictures of people walking along a city street and every one of them is staring at their phone just like in this video.
I don't get it, I think it's so dangerous not to be very aware of your surroundings and situation. Criminals must love it unless they too are too busy on their phones! lol.

I haven't hear anything lately about the EMF waves, maybe people gave up on warning about it. Is brain cancer increasing?

You can buy those blockers I think, I don't know what they look like or if they're practical to use though. Well you and I won't have to worry about that.

That was very shocking what happened at that school, I never thought it would be that way with a group of moms! wow. scary stuff.

I'm not sure of the brain cancer numbers, @janton but it seems fairly logical that if you are putting radiation up against your head or in your pocket, you're going to end up with that higher risk.

I've looked into those little medallions people stick to their phones but I'm not sure if they are a scam or not? I need to stash an emf monitor in my purse ;)

Yes, unfortunately this is very common now. It really bothers me a lot. It's everywhere. Even on the road while driving, I see people texting on their phones swerving all over the road. Common. Most drives are within 30 minutes - so what can't wait a few minutes?


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