
I totally agree, that is why he was returned 2 times. He would pace and cry constantly all day and night until you let him out. I thank you for the contest invite. I entered one of my other adopted cats.... "Whizzpurrzz". Have a great Sunday.

It is all about quality of life for an outside cat. They might not live as long as an indoor cat but at least they are very happy. I just read your entry for Whizzpurrzz and loved it. Sooooo cute! :)

Thank you!!!! I love adopting cats that are not so easily placed. My husband and I have a huge heart for the unwanted animals. We allow them to be who they were meant to be. Tucker loves outside, but stays close to home, and loves me especially. He has to have love time with me at least 2 - 3 times a day for 5 min or more each time. He literally demands it from me and I have to honor him and stop what I am doing to accommodate him. My husband always reminds me when I am busy that it is "mommy time" lol,

I love to hear about people like you and your husband. There are way too many animals who are unwanted and need good, loving homes. Tucker sounds just like my Pachino. All of my life, my animals have either found me or they were rescued. Do I hear Tucker calling for "mommy time" now? LOL! So cute!

That is the way it is, I think they choose us. We have always felt the ones that were for us. When we were going to get a dog, I had one in mind as I keep an eye out on the shelter occasionally. So, my husband goes with me and I went to the dog I liked, while he chose the one right next to it. Mine stayed at the back of the cage and his ran right to him. Well, needless to say, my husbands choice was the perfect connection. Now we have had CoCo for over 10 years and she is the little love of our lives. We only have 3 cats and 1 dog at the moment which seems to be just right for us. Have a great week.

Aw, another happy ending. I had a dog when I was very young and her name was close to yours; Choco. Her coat was the colors of Chocolate and Cocoa...Choco. Pronounced like CoCo. I was only 6 years old when she came to live with us; my parents saved her from being put down. She was my best friend and lived to be 17. I am holding a dog contest tonight or tomorrow so don't forget to enter that one too! :)

I will be sure to remember to do that in the morning.... lol CoCo was once Chocolate colored too, well at least until her first haircut when she was 1 1/2. She came home cream colored and I almost fainted when I picked her up. Shocked me terrible, who knew the undercoat was a different color. She got all tangles in the wet snow. ugh. Now, she is always short and more shitzu than Maltese. lol

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