
@solominer our cat was the runt of the litter and we called her littleone, the last year of her life my husband would clean her a fresh fish to eat everyday, and he was not a cat person but she grew on him. I had accepted that she was old and knew her time was coming but he took it harder than me. He came home before me and she was laying on the floor and could not get up, the vet said she had a stroke, I have always wondered if she was heartbroken because we had just lost her buddies, our 2 dogs.

@myjob that's amazing your husband would take care of your elderly cat like that. Really sweet to hear. Ours had a similar fate as well but he seemed happy up till his death and had a good life. Yeah I've heard of animals and people passing close to the same time as each other and makes you wonder. Thanks for sharing that with me, cats and dogs can be great companions.

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