Happy #Caturday :)! - A couple more Street Art cats in George Town, Penang, Malaysia
Hi, cat lovers' friends!
As promised last week, especially to @whatisnew, here are some fabulous cats painted on the walls of George Town, a UNESCO site in Penang, Malaysia #malaysiatrulyasia, where I traveled in the end of 2016 as a solo traveler.
At the hotels, you are given a treasury map with all the Street Art in the town, so you can find them! It's so funny!
The street art there is amazing, and cats are true stars in the paintings and statues. Let me show you :)
Isn't this amazing? I love them all!
Thanks @dswigle and thanks to all for passing by!
Have a great #caturday!
so lovely designs of art on wall..
Yes they are
very nice art.
It is indeed
The sculpture is fantastic! Thank you for posting. I always remember Caturday on Sunday. ;)
Ahah, Samantha, thanks! Hope you still can post this week! What time is it now where you are :)?
11:37 am...plenty of time!
You are very welcome!
Here is Sunday already ;)... bed time! Cheers!
Sleep well, friend!
You too, my friend!
Thanks so much for posting these wonderful street art cats! Love the sculpture too; so unique. Thanks again! : ) resteeming!
Thanks so much! I'm happy you liked them!
Oh minha querida, olhando para as tuas fotos só me apetece saltar e ir o mais rápido possível a Penang. Adoro!!! Beijos mil.
Pois, é inevitável que lá vás. Depois tenho que te dar umas dicas :) beijinhos grandes querida