Caturday Musings from Curator Cat: The Issue of Patience...

in #caturday6 years ago

Somehow it already got be be Saturday again... and that means CATURDAY! Happy Caturday, everyone!

"Half a Minnow"

I have been pondering the issue of "patience," lately. Specifically (but not only) patience, as it relates to our efforts here on Steemit.

"Philosopher Cat" considering the world over morning coffee

I just passed the mark of having been part of the Steemit community for seven months, and at the same time I have arrived within a whisker of being "half a minnow." Meaning that within a very short while I will reach 500,000 Vests.

As cats go, I am pretty patient... but I still have relatively little sense of whether or not my progress here is "good," "bad," or pretty "average."

I did join @paulag's "Redfish Powerup League" to keep myself interested in staying steady, in a "public" sort of sense. If you're an aspiring Redfish (less than 500SP of your own) you should check it out!

Which leads me to looking at "motivation."

Napping is a great path to patience...

Why Are we Here?

In truth, I am here because the idea of having a "cat blog" is sort of appealing. After all, "posting cat videos" is one of the primary functions of the Internet, right?

But what about the rewards?

I've been thinking about that, too. For the vast majority of Steemians, the rewards we earn here have little to no impact on our actual functional ability to live life.

And yet, we seek rewards.

And that's the magic of places like Steemit, which represent the gamification of social media. The rewards offer us a "yardstick of progress" and we can be in a sort of "contest with ourselves" to gain stake and influence here.

I suppose I might be singing a different song if my average post earned $50.00. But it doesn't. In fact, in seven months and 133 posts, I have had just two of my posts even reach the $10.00 mark.

And I don't say that as a lament, simply as an illustration that claiming I was "here for the money" would be patently nonsensical.

Going sideways...

But Back to Patience...

Patience and Steemit exists at two levels, for me.

There's the "patience" associated simply with trying to build this account. My immediate goal is to reach "Full Minnowhood," under my own steam, quietly growing this little account oganically.

I have about 50.00 USD of my own invested, here, too. I actually bought Steem, and powered up.

Then there's the greater "patience" associated with watching the progress and development of Steemit, itself. And the attendant hope that such development — painstakingly slow, as it may seem — might lead to an increase in the value of the Steem token. It would be a pretty amazing experience if my little "savings" account here actually gained value over time.

Will we ever see $5.00 Steem? $10.00 Steem? Even more expensive Steem?

Again, a great deal of patience is needed. The patience, it seems, to sit month and after month and watch nothing happening. Whether it's site development or hoping the overall cryptocurrency market will spark back to life, we need patience. A lot of it.

Meanwhile, all I can suggest is that we try to remember to just enjoy ourselves while we're here.

Because life is too short to not enjoy ourselves!

Now go out there and have an AMAZING day!



A kitty's life is tough... sighhh... I mean, "meeeooooowww..."

Thanks for visiting @ackhoo! Tough or not, I have to confess that I am pretty content with my life! Meow!


A kitty's life... who wouldn't want it... 😽

Hi @curatorcat,

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

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