Where's Blacky...??? Caturday on Monday

in #caturday6 years ago

My stray cat friend Blacky hasn't been around for about four or five days, which is rare, so I'm a little worried about him.

There is a chance that he's been making some quick visits, and I just haven't seen him. I'm not able to tell by how much food is gone from the bowls of food, because Mr. Reddy and Misty nibble at it as well...oh, and I almost forgot...a possum or two.

Those two little possums from last year, might have made babies, because I've seen a 'new' one sneaking around at night in the yard. The weather is getting cooler, so I'm sure they're trying to fatten up for the long winter.

Well; that's about it for now. Hope all of you are having a happy day.



I hope Blacky is ok. There are a lot of dangers out there for cats. I don't know about where you live, but where I live the biggest dangers are coyotes and people who drive too fast.

Thanks Mike for your concern...He's back on the scene; I saw him yesterday and he's okay.

We rarely have coyotes here, but plenty of other animals in the woods like bear and occasional cougar. Plenty of deer too, but they usually aren't a threat as long as you don't curse them out or give them the finger.

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