
Bwa hahahaa! I would never fuck with Mags, that's an awesome look, she's got such righteous darkness!

Maggie awesome intensifies

EEEK!! I haz the offerings Mags I swear!!! Sent them out express!!

Maggie photo 3.jpg
Mmm, offerings

Will she let you rub her belly? Would she let me???

Maggie LOVES belleh rubs. She would be content to let me do it for an hour. She usually takes time to come to trust people, but I also found if the Other Humans sleep here, she'll accept them and snuggle with them in bed. Ergo, if we have a sleepover here, you might earn her trust and then be able to rub her belly to your/her heart's content. :D

That's awesome!! Packin' my bag now (you know the kind with the fabric all balled at the end of a stick?!)

Ooh are you gonna ride a freight train to get here? :D

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