in #catsnaps5 years ago

Scary Mary got out of the house yesterday. Holy conniptions...

It was right before dinner time for the cats. I had a little time and decided to vacuum the floors. Doing the living-room rug the full bag indicator light lit-up on the vacuum. When I took the vacuum outside to change the bag, Scary dashed out.

She stopped right away and started chewing on the grass. I was able to walk up to her and give her a pet but that was as far as I could get. You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don'i spit into the wind and you surely don't attempt to pick-up Scary Mary and carry her any distance.


Luckily she hadn't eaten, so I got some wet food in a bowl to entice her back into the house.

She wasn't having any of that. After taking some food she started to explore her new surroundings.

Now I started to try everything. I brought out a cat carrier with the food inside... no luck. Then I got a cat tease toy which did bring her closer to the door.

I knew she was hungry so started giving her the bowl of food. As soon as she put her snout in the bowl I would move it to the opened door. It took awhile but it finally worked.
Even though Scary Mary is a social misfit with the rest of the cats... I would miss her if she really left for good.



Dam Mary got out! I feel for your @manorvillemike that is indeed scary. Glad you got her back in safe and love that proud looking picture of herself.

Only cat I can't pick up comfortably... Mary is a 100% confident cat who knows what she wants...

Naughty cat! Fast like a lightning!
She will always come back!

But full of ticks...

Oh! No! That’s very unhealthy!

She looks so proud 😂

She is all of that :-)

You lured her back in with food (however slowly) - what a trooper!
Chances are good she'd have found her way back, but with her feral history and assertiveness, I wouldn't have taken that chance, either.
Imagine if she had to live with THIS character:

Scary Mary meets Bobi the Bad: I'd sell tickets to the event, but these two would take one look at each other and go hide. If cats have brains.
Why do I love Scary Mary so much??

The same reason I love Bobi so much!

I'll trade you Bobi for a goat, and pay you the difference... wait, I'll pay you to take Bobi, provided the daughter never finds out.... *Busted .... I'll never get away with it.

Maybe your daughter would end up liking the goat more than Bobi. Or maybe a goat/Bobi time share thing.

Blood in the streets...

At least they won't be contributing to the gene pool together :)

It is almost impossible to make a cat (or a goat, for that matter) do something they don't already want to do. I admire your perseverance in getting her back into the house.

Thanks .. I hear Dutchman and Irishmen are also hard to persuade.

I can't say I have any experience there, but I will take your word for it!

I read this after jumping back in the truck. Sammi had just sat on my shoulder while I did a walkaround pre trip this morning.

1000s of times She has sat on my shoulder and not even tried to get away. But still to this day I hold on to Her leg.

We all know that if ScaryMary would had freaked out and ran scared. That could have been a disaster.

SamSam thinks She is a Dog anyways. Wonder if She woulda peed on this fire hydrant had I let Her....?

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My first cat Mikee was like a dog.. Use to follow me around the yard then just lay nearby while I was busy.

That had to be intense for you both. But, she does look quite satisfied with herself. It looks like you will have to keep a close eye on her from now on. She probably liked that grass. Glad you got her back inside.

Yeah was hectic.. I sure she would have been back to eat if she wandered off but would be full of ticks when she got back...

Oh, no! I can see you know trying to get her back inside. That is the perfect photo of her looking all smug and proud of herself. : )

She is a real character... Life has made her who she is...

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