My Friend's funny story of his sweet kitten attacking his "Man Parts".

in #catslife7 years ago (edited)

This morning, as I read my friend, BrandonH's Facebook story, he told of his morning upset with his kitten.    I knew this had to be shared on SteemIt and I've asked permission and will be sending him the proceeds of this post.

Without further ado, here is BrandonH's story of his kitten:

Here I am this morning drowning my sorrows in a cup of coffee and bowl of cereal... It's quiet, my favorite part of the day.  
Early birds know what I'm talking about. Kids are sleeping, nobody to bother you. Just you and your coffee. Fire is crackling in the woodstove, it's very peaceful.

Our kids are grown so we have our dog and cat to replace them.  Most everyone probably remembers the story of our newly acquired kitten. She is the spawn of Satan although occasionally cuddly.

One of the advantages to not having kids coming in and out is that I'm free to roam about in whatever form I chose. Yeah, clothing optional is what I'm hinting around about.  

There I was eating my bowl of cereal when Satan herself snuck up behind me and took it upon herself to stick her claws in to the family jewels.   She didn't mean anything by it though, she was just using my sack as leverage to lift herself in to the chair. 

As a man, ALL bets are off when it comes to the scratch satchel.  They must be protected at all costs. All men become ninja warriors when it comes to protecting the jewels.  

At this point in the story to avoid the hate I should tell you that I very nicely picked up Lucifer and set her on the ground. Well, this isn't a Disney story and I'm not going to lie to you..  I couldn't see her but let me tell you what, there was no mistaking that pain for 5 claws stuck where they truly don't belong.  

Ball protecting ninja warriors will use anything to their availability as a weapon.  My only available weapon at that very moment was a spoon.  I just went for it, my spoon and I became one; Satan took the blunt of a spoon between the eyes. Thunk! 

Needless to say she hasn't tried using me for a scratching post since.  I'm sure she'll be fine when she gets done walking in circles.

By Brandon H,

Central WA, 2017


My friend Brandon keeps us entertained with his stories, trolling, and Internet fun.  I am hoping his story does well here as we could use some natural content creators with a sense of humor.  If you enjoyed Brandon's story tell him in the comments as I will be sending him the link.



Kitty sends a message to owner:
Bro, you can still walk around in your underwear and feel free...

This could be next....

I read somewhere that cats have only been domesticated for about 10000 years, compared to dogs that have been domesticated for 20000+ years. Thats the reason cats are so aloof compared to dogs, that have had more time to evolve.

That is an extremely interesting theory, I will have to look that up.

I like the cat let alone the beautiful cat like that in your photo, I also keep the cat, hopefully your friends can keep it well , thanks for sharing sir @whatsup

Little kittens are very playful and pretty, sometimes even nauseating them for their pranks.

amigo #resteemia at your service

'Brandon' won lucky balls lottery ;) kitty made my day. nice post @whatsup

'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'

@whatsup - Oh poor cat, he didn't even know where he is touched up.... It's a funny story ma'm.... He wrote it well... Nice you decided to share it ma'm.... Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

I have a beautiful Boston Terrier and also two cats that I'm not particularly fond of that are extremely energetic Bengal cats. The cats actually belong to my roommates and they will always leap out of the air and try to scratch you at every opportunity even though they are naturally pretty sweet.

Cats can be a real pain in the butt and other areas.

Cat's are vicious ha-ha although who can get angry at that innocent face :)
Lesson to learn make sure to protect the crown jewels around those darn pussy cats.

Excellent story and I want to share that I have two cats, one breed of Siamese, another just red, but all the moments when they were small, of course stay in my memory for life and these are wonderful moments. Thank you @whatsup

Tears are running down my cheeks! TY I needed the laugh!

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