Feral Kittens

in #cats6 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone!!

I have an exciting new task I've taken on!

I am attempting to tame feral kittens!


It's a long story as to how this came upon my lap and I won't bore you with too many details! Basically a momma cat and her babies moved into my neighbourhood, we contacted a rescue right away and tried to catch them. Unfortunately, the mom, whom we named Polly, was a smart lady and moved her kittens very regularly making it incredibly difficult to catch them. Since the kittens were older, we trapped Polly, had her spayed and into a home pretty quick, then it took me a couple weeks but I finally found and trapped her kittens!

Here's Polly at the vet;


Here's the third and final kitten I trapped this morning;


They're probably 10-12 weeks old now, very feral and it's going to be quite the task to tame them. It's worth a shot though since they would have a much happier life as regular cats with real homes than ferals on a farm, always scared of; but also quite dependent upon humans.


Last night I watched "Tough Love" a video created by the Urban Cat League out of New York. It's shows the steps to take to tame feral kittens that are older. As I write this, I'm working on one of the first steps which is getting them to eat in my presence. So far they have tried to climb the walls to get away from me, but have settled now and are seemingly not going to come out of their spots, even though I know they're hungry.

Here's the video in case you're curious!

They are so stinking cute!!


Wish me luck!!!

~The NeoHippy

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