CassieDay Comes After Caturday

in #cats6 years ago (edited)

Cassie, Cassafras, Cassiopeia, Thing 2, Monster Girl, MissMiss, Tiger, and so many other names. This cat goes from cuddles to crazy in .005 seconds or less. She’s high maintenance but worth every moment. Such a huge personality.

Here are a few recent photos of our little princess. I dare you not to fall in love! 😻

dumpster diving

city kitty

daddy’s girl

”But moooooommmm, there’re birds up there!”

”You can’t see me”



I love your cats, Lisa! In the 3rd picture, it looks like your husband has a ninja hold on Cassie 😁

Oh how you’re mistaken; it’s actually the other way around 😸

Hahah 😅 By the way, I still can't get over the fact that you walk your cats on leashes

This one would kill me if I didn’t. The boy humors her. We all humor her. She is in charge of the family, the household...perhaps the world.

Too late, I am in love. >^..^<

She is quite irresistible, isn’t she 😻

Such a dirty windowsill! Tsk-tsk-tsk...

But...cats 😸

Great shots!! She has personality, I can see it!! I love the first photo because it has a warm vintage feel to it.

Thanks! I love the first one, too. And not only because she’s being a drama queen in a dumpster 😸

Such torti-tude!

Right?!? 😸

At 4 weeks, it is important to play with kittens so that they do not develope a fear of people.

When a cat chases its prey, it keeps its head level. Dogs and humans bob their heads up and down.

If your cat snores, or rolls over on his back to expose his belly, it means he trusts you.

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