Why did you do this?

in #cats6 years ago




We recently extended the wall with a trellis type setup. We pretty much lost our yard privacy after the 2 acre empty lot got turned into a mini expensive housing community.

Our Permaculture ways seem odd to people who like to spray roundup and rake off the leaves to present naked soil to the elements.

This is one of my neighbors cat who doesn’t like the fact that she is on the other side now 🤓

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Noup. They sure don't like fences

She probably wants to pop over to the fun side

When I bought my unit, it was with a promise that the land beside it was vacant and nothing can be done because it was too small
3 years later they built a high-rise even higher than the one I'm staying at
They made vertical space...
And now all it see is windows, balcony, windows... haha

Oh no!!! That is not fun!! So sorry to hear that.

Hey, @mariannewest.

Ah, cats. Apparently it decided it wasn't worth trying to jump over the wired part into the yard? Just how much of a fall would it be? I mean, come on cat, where's your sense of adventure? Letting puny wires get in your way. :)

That's too bad about the two acre lot. Progress, I guess. For better or for worse. I usually fall on the side of progress, but I understand how it can be detrimental if taken to the extreme, and at best inconvenient. Hopefully, you'll be able to find the happy middle.

Not for the cat, though. The cat can stay on its side of the wall. :)

hahaha - yes, cat. Stay on your side of the wall unless you want to hung gophers....

If I would have had money, I would have bought the property and turned it into a park... we need those.

I'm surprised the city didn't. Here, they tend to snatch up things like that, or at the very least, require the builders to leave a 'green space.' Of course, that's been more like in the last 20 years or so, but newer developments have been doing it on a fairly regular basis.

I suppose it depends on what happens at the parks, too. They can be havens for criminals, drug addicts and homeless camps. Depends on how the city polices and acts towards those groups whether they encourage them to congregate there or not.

Up here, that tends to happen more in the larger cities. The smaller towns tend not to put up with it. :)

Our city is small and has been run by incompetence for a long time. They see more money coming in if they have more houses and are neglecting to create a vision for this town. It could be a cute destination town. Instead - it is not. Let's just leave it at that....

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