in #cats6 years ago

It's not working out with Scary Mary's being accepted or her wanting to be accepted.

I put a temporary window screen in the basement door so Mary and the 10 house cats could get acquainted. Dexter was the first and it was not good. Mary stood her ground making threatening paw swipes.

I was on the telephone when Dexter who has a nasty temper when he can't get his way, went berserk. He stared hissing and yelling. Then he decided he wanted a piece of the basement tenant. Attacking the screen with his paws and throwing his body at the screen. Mary backed down the 3 stairs but strayed at the landing ready to do battle.

At that point I had to tell the party on the phone I would have to call back due to a cat emergency.

Another day another attempt at Harmony.







Regardless this was a good idea, wow Dexter was throwing his body at the screen! Did anybody else get upset as much as Dexter? @manorvillemike

Today I had the screen in longer. It's all new to them seeing her. Things went better. I have big hopes of this working.

Thanks for letting me know @manorvillemike basically they need to get used to seeing Mary some will eventually get bored and take no notice, others may always want to attack but we wont know if you dont keep trying so keep it going Mike.

Scary Mary is a brave and rather pretty lady. She's been through it though; I think she'll hang in there. It appears that she wants to be a part of the clan. Shock and outrage is frequently the first reaction by the territory holders; hurling himself at the screen, however is not a great way to introduce yourself, Dex. Perhaps, if you feed Mary on the landing, and put a soft napping place for her and a water bowl there, and let this be the introduction for several days, everybody will get a chance to see her and will observe that the humans have deemed her worthy of companionship, and understand that she is to be accepted as a new cat clan member. It took a couple of weeks before my 4 year old male accepted the new 6 month old male, but I didn't rush it either. Now, they're fine together. Big relief. Just wait and see what happens. It may not be quick, but it will most likely be eventual.

Thanks for your input @aerialpegasus . That is more or less my plans. Things when better today, is still early. But hard when it's 10 against 1.

It is difficult for me to comment on this matter of cat behavior, because I do not have direct knowledge to share; but, I think your strategy is on the right track, give time to time, so that they get used to seeing and feeling their smells. We will follow the evolution of this situation ... Greetings @manorvillemike

Time will tell.

The screen is a great idea! It takes time so patience is the key. Mary is outnumbered and she knows that, even if she hasn't seen all of them yet. Dexter is thinking...oh, no...not another one! LOL! Good luck Mike! You know I am pulling for you!

Lobotomy could be an option. lol

Dexter keeps his territory. But animals always find the compromise way.

Hopefully they will accept her in time. Your Dexter acts like my Tucker. He would be doing the exact same thing.

2 nd day Dexter calmed down a bit. But Curly who is a head case who loves me dearly, his upset. All normal ..

Hopefully they will all adapt to each other. Cats can really be fussy about entering a new tribe

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