Thomas Cat Update

in #cats7 years ago

Thomas Cat Update

It was exactly one month ago today that Thomas Cat was attacked by a neighbour's dog - a pitbull/rotweiller that was running around loose. He came running up onto our deck, saw Thomas sleeping in the sun while I was reading and having my coffee, and went right for him. Thomas tried to escape into the house - the dog dragged him into my kitchen and down the hall by his back end and continued to attack him.

Originally I had thought all the blood was from the dog - but after having a Vet check Thomas out a couple of days later, we discovered a 2cm open wound, which was the source of it. A neighbour lady who heard everything caught the dog and leashed it to her truck, and called Animal Control, who picked up the dog very quickly.

You can read about Thomas Here

I'm happy to say that after 2 rounds of antibiotics and the awesome care of our "Visiting Veterinarian", Thomas Cat is healing very well - and more quickly than we had hoped.

While his physical wounds are healing well, Thomas Cat has lost a lot of confidence in himself. He needs lots of reassurance - from me, because I'm his "mom", and often has nightmares and wakes me up for some TLC. He is afraid of loud noises, and if he hears anything in the night that sounds 'different' to him, he becomes hyper-alert and needs to be even closer to me and safety. The fact that he was abandoned by his original family compounds the trauma he has been feeling since his attack.

Other than that, Thomas is eating well and has no issues with using his litter box - however, I do believe he's reverted to his cat babyhood - he's such a big suck! And that's okay, I can handle that part ... it's the middle of the night anxiety that's difficult to see.

And, although I requested that the owner pay the Vet bill - and have filed with Small Claims, the dog's owner is ignoring it and not doing the right thing. The Claims process is slow and frustrating, but I'm doing the best I can. At least I managed to pay the Vet bill myself; and know that Thomas will be okay eventually. Like me, he's a survivor!


Great that Thomas Cat is on the mend, and you managed to get the vet bills sorted. Shameful, that the lady has not come forward, but maybe she has a bad situation herself. Many people are going though hard times these days. I hope this is the reason she has not come forward.

I have a little rescue chihuahua, and he gets severe separation anxiety. Makes me wonder what horrible things he may have gone through before finding me. He was in pretty rough shape when we got him. We are inseparable now.

Animals brightens ones life!

Thank you so much. I would like to give the dog's owner the benefit of the doubt ... however, I also know that she is a "daddy's girl" - and daddy is very well off financially. So that just doesn't wash with me.

That certainly paints a different picture. No excuses then!

Yay, for Thomas, our cat Cabie always tussles with our neighbours cat 🐱, Cabie is half Bengal hence he won't back down and sometimes ends up mauled, we bathe him in Apple cider vinegar and all is well, till next - here's to a speedy recovery Thomas.

Thanks so much - yes, Thomas Cat is much improved physically; the emotional trauma he suffered is going to take some time and lots of TLC from his mom (me, lol).

Your welcome and off course, he's on the mend and has his mooma to tend his needs and mother him, on the road to recovery.

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Poor Thomas Cat!! To be attacked in a home invasion of the worst kind, sneaky Rotwieller. The owner needs to step up and do the right thing, but I am assuming that they won't because they are irresponsible dog owners as their dog was running loose.Thomas Cat will get over the trauma in time. Lots of love is needed. We have a cat Tobie, who was also attcked by a Rotweiller and he is just getting back to his normal self three months after.

Awww, I'm so sorry to hear about your Tobie - and glad to know he is getting better, even if it's taking a long time. Please give him hugs from Thomas Cat and myself! xox

It is so hard when our littlest family members become hurt. It is hard on them they can not tell us what is hurting or what is scaring them, they just want to be held and comforted. I can not imagine how hard it was to witness what you did, I still get the heebie jeebies every time I think about the head-on collision of our two 5 month old very tiny chihuahuas, the scream of one of them, the confusing look on the other one, god I thought I was gonna have a heart attack just hearing that painful scream. Lucky no damage was caused, but it certainly hurt me to hear my little dog cry so painfully. It is a sound I never want to hear again.

OMG, what a horrendous thing to happen! I'm so sorry; please give your little furbabies a hug for me!

I honestly thought I was going to have a heart attack when I was fighting that dog off of my cat; so I totally get what you mean. I guess I was very lucky the dog didn't turn on me ... but I didn't even think of that at the time. What I did learn was that even senior, disabled moms can be pretty fierce when we need to be!

That happened 6 years ago for our two little girls. I still hear that little scream. And every time they are sick they come to me to throw up, and then be comforted.

Awwww. (((hugs))) xox

Cats can be taught to walk on a leash, but a lot of time and patience is required to teach them. The younger the cat is, the easier it will be for them to learn.

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