Grapthar's Daily Cat Photos! New Portraits of the Kitty Crew!

in #cats6 years ago

The curse of Blurry Blaze was temporarily broken today, he managed to sit still for the 3 seconds it took to focus, so I call that SUCCESS! Cleo was rolling all over the table, so I got a couple of funny shots of her, and Tiger was just a purrfessional, sitting perfectly still for his kitty-kloseup. Enjoy today's photos!

Cleo on the table demanding belly rubs.

Photo Jun 15, 15 35 32.jpg

Tiger's Hollywood Headshot.

Photo Jun 15, 19 30 35.jpg

Blaze relaxing on the couch.

Photo Jun 15, 17 12 36.jpg

Cleo rolling around.

Photo Jun 15, 15 35 40.jpg

||| EP 1 - Bandcamp | EP 2 - Bandcamp | EP 3 - Bandcamp |||
||| EP 4 - Bandcamp | EP 5 - Bandcamp | EP 6- Bandcamp |||

Grapthar logo!.png


They are cute animals, I like their worthwhile attitude and presumption of pet.

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