Grapthar's Daily Cat Photos! Close-Up Cats! Up In Their Faces (Literally)!

in #cats6 years ago

It was another overcast day today, which meant no portrait-mode, so I got right up in their faces and got some good ol' close-ups. They all came out pretty good, somehow Blaze managed to blur his ever so slightly despite not moving a muscle... some kind of feline magic... but overall, a successful day. Enjoy!

Tiger looking very tired.


Blaze chilling post-dinner.


Cleo on her perch.


Check out my new E.P. numerical here.

If you sing/rap/whatever and want to put something on track 2wo, contact me!

Grapthar logo!.png


That's a good one, blaming Blaze for the cameraman's goof :-)

haha! He used to be really bad and walk around everytime I would get the camera to focus... now I just put any blurriness on his shoulders.

He still looks good blurry ...

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