
in #cats7 years ago (edited)


Who here also loves these insanely cute fur babies? They are all so different and unique in character. I have three fur babies (all boys), Paw the oldest, Loki and Apollo (brothers). I wanted to share their story of becoming a pack with my fellow steemers, it is such an inspiring love story. But first, let me introduce them:

                                                                             Big Baby Paw



Baby Paw was born on a gulf course, my mom already denied my request for a cat so my boyfriend at the time just so happened to gift me a cat. It only took her one day to spend cuddling with him on the couch to change her mind. He wasn't always Paw, he was first Kiara, than we soon found out that he in fact had furry little balls. Oops! He was straight savage trying to ram out of the cage when he was brought to my house for the first time, he is very skittish although he has gotten a lot better, loud noises freak him out. He finds solace in climbing on my chest and resting his head under my chin providing plenty of kisses and rubbing his face against mine. He also hugs me if I'm at a level where he can reach my shoulders. If we have people over he will be resting in a corner where he can see everything. He is the biggest lover, occasionally I have witnessed him go from person to person that he isn't familiar with and rub on their legs and circle around them like a shark. Every time my boyfriend goes to love on me, here comes baby Paw, the love police and wants to get in on the action. If the whole world had a Paw the world would be a better place. But there is only one <3.

                                                          he loves to dance with me <3


Loki and Apollo came a few years after Paw, from a friends litter. Loki looks just like dad and Apollo looks just like mom even with the same heart stamp on the back left paw. At first the introduction was typical animal meeting animal, unsure and protective, hissing and defensive but on the 6th day I came home from work and see Loki laying right next to paw and I'm looking for Apollo, only to find him suckling on paws teet. Even though Paw couldn't produce milk he was still creating a safe space of comfort for the babies. I have never heard or seen anything like this, Apollo is still attached to his hip... anywhere Paw goes so does Apollo, sometimes it annoys Paw now that he is an old man. Here are some photos I have collected over the years! Enjoy all this cuteness! 

Apollo likes to dig in my drawers, burrow and hide. 

Absolutely amazing! We currently have a outside cat that came with our house in Miami and sometimes she will meow and we will have her in-between the front door and paw will come looking all concerned because he heard a kitty meow! He has a natural ability to love and have compassion! So inspiring!

Sooooo, you met the babies... 3 babies turned to 5 for about 3 years of my life when I was rooming with acquaintances that became family <3 Funny thing is she told her boyfriend that I had cats so he figured I had only two until I came home with 3 lol! Good one Kristine! haha! 

Hannable, the youngest.


Picasso would literally burrow into you,head butting you with his fluffness. His cuddles are so remarkable, those kind where you're letting your bladder suffer because you don't want to disturb the baby! His meow is so distinct its more like a mow! He was always grumpy at the cats, except Hannable because he had already lived with him for a few weeks prior. It took a while for him to tolerate the others as he was very territorial. Sometimes when he would be bullying Apollo or Loki, Paw would come through with the defense protecting the babies. 

It really was amazing living with 5 cats, you really get to see into their character. We actually linked them to Lion King characters.

Paw is Mufasa - Picasso is Simba - Hannable is Rafiki - Apollo is Tamone - Loki is Pumba 


They all are so different, they all love different, react different, meow different... I got to experience a tribe of cats, I really cherish those moments we got as a family, when they would be sweet at each other or I would wake up with 4-5 surrounding me. It was such a magical experience, when we went separate ways I couldn't help but cry, they became family. When I go over to my friends house they will recognize me from my voice. They are so special to my heart! The brothers! 

They always love when I do yoga ! Some yoga kitties! 

Here is Mama Kitty! MEOW !!! PURRRRRR!

Weird side note: sometimes I call them my baby dragons.

Cats are amazing creatures of earth, Their purr is a healing technique for themselves and others, it vibrates at the frequency that bones and muscles repair themselves. Some people claim to hate cats because they came to know an asshole cat or are allergic, but once you experience a bond with a cat it is magical! I speak cat, it is a second language. They have over 20 muscles that control their ears, can survive tall falls, 90% of their brain is similar to human brain, they have nearly identical sections of the brain that control emotion, as humans. In Egypt cats where worshipped divine beings. A cat has been known to detect owners breast cancer, they are in tune and sleep often, I do believe that when they are in that REM state they are doing dimensional dream work. 

                                                                              CATS ARE COOL! 

Thank you guys for taking the time to meet my fur family! I hope this Brady bunch has filled your heart with love and inspiration! I want to know about your cats character! Let's exchange stories, comment below! 

                                                                    HAVE A PURRRRFECT DAY! 


                                                                                                                                              -Devin Lucretia



The life expectancy of cats has nearly doubled since 1930 - from 8 to 16 years.

<3 so amazing ! Thanks for dropping by!

People who are allergic to cats are actually allergic to cat saliva or to cat dander. If the resident cat is bathed regularly the allergic people tolerate it better.

an ex of mine was slightly allergic but the more he lived with them he became less allergic (over time).

Fossil records from two million years ago show evidence of jaguars.

The Pilgrims were the first to introduce cats to North America.

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