Curator Cat... Adapting to his Solo Lifestyle!

in #cats5 years ago

Greetings Felines and Hoomans of Steemlandia!

My old housemate BeBe is gone! There is no doubt at all that I am now the only cat in the house, and I am slowly settling into that reality.

Staring out the window...

The funny thing is... even though she was very private and mostly antisocial, I find myself missing her silly white fluffiness. I have wandered around the house repeatedly looking for her, but there is no doubt that she is no longer here.

It's odd, because she really wasn't much into playing, and we never snuggled up together. But I still miss her being here, somehow...

On the plus side, the Hoomans have been paying lots of extra attention to me, so that's a good thing!

I keep expecting to suddenly see BeBe again... maybe under the table?

They even went out and got a new cat platform, which they put in the sunny corner with a view on two sides... where BeBe used to have her pillow she'd sleep on.

I like it, though... I can see the bird feeder, and I can be next to the Dad-Hooman when he is doing his artwork at the big table.

The Hoomans say they have no plan to get another cat anytime soon, but they have mentioned "getting a couple of kittens" in maybe a couple of years when I am more ready to be "Uncle Shadow" to them. Not sure how I feel about that... but I suppose time will tell.

Distracted by birds by the bird feeder

Otherwise, life has resumed moving forward along its usual path, although the Hoomans still do occasionally get very sad. It's not easy to lose a family member... but — in time — the sadness will go away, and we will just be left with the good memories!

In the meantime, it has become autumn around here; the first snow fell on the mountains across the bay a few days ago, and leaves are blowing around outside.

Hope everyone out there is doing well!


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Oh, my condolences about BeBe! <3 It's so hard to lose a family member. Purrs to you and your family.


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