Sweet Babies

in #cats7 years ago

Look at these little cutie pies! Love them so much. They can be frequently found cuddled up together. They are sisters from another litter and have grown up together. To say they have fondness for each other is an understatement though they also have plenty of little silly hissy squabbles too. :p


wow, a cute cat and very tame, suitable in making friends play and sleep,
I also have a tame cat

Your cats are cute also! Thanks for sharing :)

The white one looks like the she's the "boss"lol Cute, I've never had a pet myself, my parents didn;t want one when I was a kid and then I was too busy partying to get one in my 20's and then too busy building my art career in my 30's lol

I would make the argument you are never too busy for a cat lol. But anyway, until then you can get your feline fix from #caturday:)

We have 2 too :)

I have 3 and my hubby brought his in a few years back so we maxed out at four :)

2 cats and 2 dogs here lol. :)

Cool! Afraid we are at full capacity with the cats lol

Awww so cute. They are living a blessed life with a wonderful human! They appear to now what a camera is. I think you got yourself a pair of photogenic cats!

Thank you. Yep if I want their attention I just make a little noise they'll both look up and I can get a good shot. At least that usually seems to work =)

I though only boys fought. he he

Nope girls do too lol. Nothing serious more like spats:)

Oh my goodness! 😻😻 What beauties!

They said thank you :)

They are very welcome!

What an adorable pair! I'm loving the throw, too.

I have 4 that are not suppose to be inside. But they have tried very hard to move in. In general, I do allow a few hours of spa time in front of the gas heater.

Honest, a case could be made for them being addicted to the heat waves !

Have fun!
Looking forward to next week's installment.

Thanks! Yeah I like to joke that they are Steelers fans on that throw. I bet your cats do love the heat. Mine will position themselves over the vents sometimes

Crazy Cat Lady Spotted :P

looks around
Where? JK!
Lol :)

Little cuties! I have always loved cats but due to my allergies, I haven't been able to keep one as a pet. I find they just radiate with personality and something about it has always been fascinating. I do love other animals like dogs but something about cats has always drawn me in.

They do have quite the personalities!

Oh my gosh. so very pretty. I have one very fat orange male cat we call Mr. Joey. I love all cats.

I haven't met a cat I didn't like!

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